Sunday, October 13, 2024

Seeing is Believing?

Hello Friends,

We had an exciting week at International Friends and at the Best Practices in the Heartland Conference. We learned about how to use AI and that it isn't perfect: so, look out! I see some AI work in our future. We networked and found new niches to serve. 

Thank you to everyone for reaching out to the Midwest church community with what we do so we can help other people. Thank you for manning our table and chatting with guests. Thank you for Zooming along so that others could see how we go about our lessons.

American Culture

Hunting and fishing are popular sports in the United States. We have laws as well as cultural practices for hunting and catching “wild” animals, birds, and fish that depend on time of year and place. Domestic animals are off the table.

We have hunting and fishing seasons and people need to hold licenses and purchase tags in order to participate in these sports. The Indiana Department of Natural Resources or DNR is the place to go see what animals are in season as well as regulations. Violations include fishing or hunting without a license, bag limits, etc. There are animals that are non-game, meaning they cannot be hunted or bagged. Hunting and killing "game" that is not legal or does not belong to you is poaching.

The Aurora Borealis

We had a spectacular light show from the Aurora Borealis Thursday night. While the Northern Lights were vague to the naked eye. The filters on cell phone cameras were able to offer a great view to share stunning shots


Classes and Meetings

Our classes are open: click to register!
Meetings are U.S. Eastern time.

International Bible Study: Monday, 8-9:00 PM, Zoom.

We started with Psalm 121 (finally, because we have been carrying this one over for a while!). It is the Song of Ascents. A good way to start and end a day of challenges and set your sights in the right direction.

Genesis 20-21 continued to throw us a curve ball. We hope to see Abraham and his family progress and change, but they remain the same. We continued to do the same: we weigh our years of life and experiences against his over 100 years on earth walking with God as his best friend and guide. We are disappointed in him...this time we heard more of his story and his explanations. Can that change our perspective? Genesis 21 tells of the negotiations between Abraham and Abimelek. God intervenes to make the imperfect work for both sides. There are good lessons here.

October 14: We are setting our sights on reading and talking about Genesis 22-24 and Psalm 2 (a good one to get perspective during political seasons).

American English and Culture: Thursday, 9-11:00 AM, Zoom

Thank you for Zooming for the conference on Thursday. While it was not always optimal, we were able to hear each other well and still have a good meeting. Critical listening continues to be a skill to develop. Interestingly enough, many times listening means inferring and not actually hearing. Context helps so much as does reading. Technically, these silent sounds are called reductions, but we can call them confusing at times.

October 17: Continue to create (and share) word pages. Pick a word or phrase from this Update and make a word page. I am still looking for stories that tell "where you are from". Pick a tradition that you love or that makes your celebration complete. Watch this video from the Productivity Guy

American English and Culture: Thursday, 7-8:00 PM, Cornerstone Lutheran Church, Room 102

October 17: We are meeting in person! Join us. The doors are open and get ready for some three-dimensional learning.

American English for Kids: 5:30-6:00 PM DST, Zoom

Tennis rules this week. While we were on break I took a stroll to a waterfall in a quarry in Ohio. Limestone is so interesting. Limestone is sedimentary rock, and often contains fossils. Much of the Midwest was covered with sea water. Look closely at these slabs. There are sea fossils. What can you find?


October 18: Come and talk about the past two weeks. We got a lot of living done!

Words and Phrases

bag limits: the legal, allowable number, size and sex of animals, fish, or fowl a hunter or angler can kill in a set time (day or season)

change our perspective: look at something from a new view in totality and from another mindset

Hobby Lobby: a popular craft store

I see our (your) future: a prediction of something that is going to happen (because it will be engineered to go that way)

naked eye: seeing things without assistance like, glasses, binoculars, loupes, telescopes, filters

network: meet with other people, make connections

niche: a particular field or classification

off the table: not part of the discussion or consideration

rules: takes priority over other things

setting our sights on: a stated goal

shots: photos

stunning: impressively attractive

tag: physical document attached to the animal after the kill detailing hunter identity information, date, time, etc.


throw us a curve ball: surprise the is unexpected and unpleasant to deal with

violations: breaking morale or legal codes

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