Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Fall International Friends Schedule Summer pests part 2

Hello, Friends!

I know many of you are looking forward to your fall schedules with all the back-to-school planning. More announcements to come, but here is our preliminary schedule:

August 15: Online registration opens.
August 30, 9:30-12:00: Staff Meeting. Staff meets to connect and learn about our program at large and learn skills to be better leaders and teachers.
September 4, 9:30-10:30: International Bible Study.
September 6, 9:30-12:00: English Class Registration and Screening. Come in to register, pay fees, and if you are a first time student, to be screened for the best class for you. Come in to say hello!

Yes, we did take a little break...but you can still join us for interesting conversation with your families. We have two left this year!

Summer Pests Part 2

Summer can be a great time for home invaders of the rodent kind. You have a very nice home, and furry friends would love to share with you. Common rodent pests that move in over the summer include mice, squirrels and chipmunks. All of these pests can bring in mites and fleas and their droppings an urine can cause diseases. Their chewing can be destructive to wiring and structure. The holes they chew to get in can cause leaks that cause further damage. Chipmunk tunnels under pavement and foundations can cause cracking and sinking. If that isn't enough, they have and raise their children. We all know that even though our children may grow up, they don't always move out...this is particularly true of rodents. They continue to make more and more in your home!

The question then is how do you discourage them from moving in and more so how do you get rid of them once they have moved in? You may have to decide if you want to be humane or just use poison. If you decide to live trap the animals and release them back into the wild, beware that you release them far, far, far from your home or anyone else's home. Chipmunks will travel many miles to return and once they learn about a humane trap, you will never go in again no matter how attractive a treat you place there. They also tell all their friends and family about this danger. If you decide to use poison (particularly for mouse populations) remember that poison makes these animals very thirsty and hopefully will go outside to get a drink, but you may find them in your bathroom or basement. You may decide to call Critter Control or another company for squirrels. This is a good option for these larger animals since they are experienced in catching and removing them. The cost also includes repairing the holes where they are entering. One bit of advice: be sure all animals are out before you block the entry point...otherwise the animal will die in your walls which means an smell for quite a few days as well as the opportunity to get some new pests: maggots and flies and ants! Do you have more questions? Do you want to know more? Humane Pest Control Articles Library

International Bible Study: Tuesday, 9:30-10:30, room 100
Jude was a great study. Jude the message is to followers of Jesus (and more specifically from the Jewish tradition). He uses historical accounts to remind the readers of this letter about situations in history where God was called upon to defend people from evil people. While these accounts may seem obscure to other readers who don't know the story, the point is clear but they show that ulterior motives to hurt other people and take advantage of them. It's easy to get caught up in this drama, but Jude blesses and reminds the reader to be merciful to others and to trust that God's Holy Spirit will keep him/her from hurting others to meet with God our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord with great joy forevermore.

Meet Up August 2, Inlow Park beginning at 11:00

preliminary: early or beginning
invaders: unwelcome people or things that come without invitation to take over 
destructive: ruin or destroy
foundations: base on which something is built
discourage: stop doing something
get rid of: throw away
humane: kind; in this case not to kill
populations: large groups of living things
option: choice

obscure: unclear
point is clear: 
take advantage of them: this is not positive in this case, it means to do things to your benefit and without thought of another person
forevermore: without ending

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Summer Pests (part one)

Hello Friends,

The days have been beautiful. When the weather is fine, we love to get out of the house and enjoy the great outdoors at concerts and festivals. Many families take vacations over the summer. You are sure to encounter pests in the great outdoors.

When you go to the park or take a walk in the woods or go camping or work in the garden, you will encounter some of our most common outdoor pests: mosquitos and ticks. Mosquitos live in the foliage during the day and come out in force in the evening. Mosquitos are to blame for West Nile virus here in Indiana as well as heartworms in dogs. To protect from these biting insects use a good repellant (repellents containing DEET are the most effective) and give your dog heartworm medication each month or as directed by your veterinarian. Certain plants also help to repel mosquitos, so planting them in your garden may help: lavender, basil, rosemary and geraniums are a few of the plants. To help keep mosquitos from breeding around your house, empty and refill pet water dishes and bird baths daily. Make sure plants don't have standing water and make sure your gutters are draining well. Mosquito bites are mostly annoying and itchy for a few days. Just be careful scratching doesn't lead to infection.

We have two types of ticks here in Indiana. Deer ticks are extremely tiny and you may not notice them. Wear light colored clothing and a hat to better see them when outdoors. Dogs and cats can take preventive medicine for fleas and ticks, but that doesn't mean that these pests won't hitch a ride on them. Ticks embed their heads into their victim, so use pointed tweezers and grab the tick as close to the head as possible and pull gently but firmly to get the whole insect. Clean the area with soap and water or alcohol to avoid infection. Ticks also carry disease. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Lyme Disease are the two that can be contracted here in Indiana. Symptoms are common to many other diseases: a rash, fever, chills, body aches, etc. so be sure to tell your doctor if you were bitten. You may want to tape the dead insect to a card with the date and hang on to it for a few weeks just in case you show symptoms. Antibiotics are the cure.

While we are looking forward to getting outside, some animals look forward to getting inside our homes and making themselves at home. Stay tuned for part two!

International Bible Study: Tuesdays, 9:30-10:30, room 100.
We wrapped up the three letters of John this week. Third John (3 John) encouraged the church to stand for right teaching and show hospitality and love to each other and to others. 

July 24: Join us as we read Jude. This study will be an exciting one. Jude is also a very short letter/book of the Bible but Judah (the author) confronts corrupt leaders. Watch the Bible Project summary to get a great overview to understand the backstory and history that Judah uses to communicate to his readers.

July 31: Join us for our last study of the summer. We will read and talk about favorite Psalms.

International Friends Meet Up
If you haven't been to Holliday Park, I would encourage you to go. You will love the beautiful trails and the extensive playground. The nature center is excellent, also.

For our next Meet Up, we will return to Inlow Park (always a favorite). Our last Meet Up is at Pendleton Falls Park. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and more of you will be able to get out and enjoy this gem.

August 2 Lawrence W. Inlow Park, 6310 East Main Street, Carmel
August 16 Pendleton Falls Park, 299 Falls Park Drive, Pendleton

the great outdoors: being out in beautiful nature
mosquitos: (mu ski toes) flying, biting insects
repellant (or repellent): drive away, repulsive
embed: attach firmly into
hitch a ride: get a lift
tweezers: too for removing small things like splinters from your skin
just in case: if; should something happen
show symptoms: display the signs of a disease
stay tuned: an old radio and television broadcasting saying encouraging people to come back 
backstory: what happens behind the scenes or occurred previously
gem: treasure something special or unique

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Summer Fairs

Hello, Friends.

I don't know about you, but I love summer! Have you had a chance to take advantage of the many fairs and festivals here in the greater Indianapolis area? Hoosiers look for the opportunity to celebrate just about anything. We are now entering "county fair" season. Since much of Indiana is a farming state, the farmers would get together once a year to compete against each other to show their best animals and produce. The results would be judged and awards given. Winners go on to the State Fair here in Indianapolis. Our county fairs are now 4H Fairs which give school aged children the opportunity to compete in animal husbandry and many other arts and sciences (County Fair Directory).
  • Hamilton County Fair is July 19-25 in the fairgrounds in Noblesville and admission is free. Learn more about 4H and opportunities for your children. 
  • The Indiana State Fair is August 3-19. There is an admission charge but there are many discounts and promotions. Be sure to look at the schedule and see what events that interest you the most.
International Bible Study: Tuesdays, 9:30-10:30, room 100.
We read 2 John: a letter to "the elder: and directed to "the chosen lady and her children". We talked how this letter addresses concerns on three levels:
  • Personally: as women who have children, do we let people into our homes who are not honest in their intentions and would cause our family harm?
  • Church: the Bible often refers to the church as the "bride" and the members as the "children". In this case, John is warning not to welcome teachers who teach that Jesus is not God because that will cause the family of God harm.
  • Socially: As a community do we take the advice of outsiders to drive our community and countries 
We talked how this letter doesn't mean that the Bible does not say individuals and groups shouldn't show show hospitality to strangers but that the church (and parents) have the responsibility to ensure that people in their care are not misled.

Our last topic of discussion was 2 John 12-13. We agree with John, writing (pen and paper, texting, email, blog) is one way communication but visiting face to face makes our joy complete.

Meet Up: July 19, 11:00-??, rain or shine at Holliday Park, 6363 Springmill Road, Indianapolis
There are 93 acres and many beautiful walking/hiking trails. There are ruins, a nature center and an exotic playground. There are no picnic shelters. Picnic tables are "first come, first served". Let's plan to meet at the playground. If it is raining, meet to socialize a bit in the nature center.

I don't know about you: idiom that precedes (comes before) a statement of my opinion.
a chance to take advantage of: the opportunity to
just about anything: almost anything
county: divisions of land within a state; city boundaries may change, but county lines do not (unless that boundary is a river or waterway...those do move)
discounts and promotions: lower costs and additional special offerings to increase ticket sales
venues: a place where organized events happen like a concerts, sporting events, etc.
chosen: selected, favored
show hospitality to strangers: feed, invite, board
one way communication: letters, texts, radio, TV, etc. where you can't respond 

Friday, July 6, 2018

July Fun

Hello, Friends.

Do you want to see something very interesting? The park on Carey Road has a swarm of large, shiny green beetles hovering over the clover patches. I was lucky enough to see one of the Carmel Parks Employee who told me that they are a type of June Bug. We usually think of the smaller brown beetles as June Bugs, but these particular beetles are large and impressive. If you have moles in your yard, you can be sure that you have the larvae of these or other beetles. These grubs eat the roots of your plants. The moles love these tasty insects. If you walk in the field, the beetles will come to observe you which can be a little disconcerting since you are there to observe them!

International Bible Study: Tuesdays, 9:30-10:30, room 100.
We met to finish talking about 1 John. Chapter 5 provides some opportunities for interesting philosophical and practical discussion.
  • God is three gods in one: Father, Jesus (God's only begotten son) and the Holy Spirit (who testifies and resides in all believers). 
  • It isn't hard to follow God's commands (mainly love God and love each other) because Jesus has overcome the world (1 John 5:3-5). 
  • We can confidently approach God and ask anything knowing that God hears everything we ask. 
  • John advises about praying for others when they sin (1 John 5: 16-17) realizing that we can not save anyone else from their sins but also realizing that God wants all people to be saved and know the truth (1 Timothy 2:4).
Since the Bible is the library of God, we can find answers through cross references.  The Bible Hub website includes a variety of translations, references and commentaries (people's opinion and explanations or critical discussion about a particular writing).

July 10: Join us as we talk about 2 John.

Summer Games
Thank you Jonathan for a great month of Summer Games. It was fun to get together and play games that can be enjoyed any time.

Meet Up at Inlow Park.
What an exciting Meet Up. We started with blistering heat and ended with a spectacular thunder storm. With that rain came cooler and dryer weather.

July 19 Meet Up: Holliday Park, 6363 Springmill Road, 11:00-

swarm: many insects in one area
hovering: flying in one space
patch: space that contains one particular kind of plant (I have a raspberry patch in my back yard)
grubs: worm-like larvae of some insects
disconcerting: disturbing, confusingly unexpected
begotten: (male) generate offspring, result of
testifies: bears witness; makes a solemn declaration especially under oath in a court of law
cross references: a mention in another part of a book for answers

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Happy Independence Day

Happy Independence Day, Friends.

I hope you have some excellent plans to celebrate. There are parades in subdivisions and in towns. There are fests and fireworks. Enjoy BBQs and picnics. Wear your red, white and blue. Best of all, enjoy the fireworks!

In Carmel, people plan ahead and place their chairs along the parade route the night before. You will see tape and tarps out early as people stake their ground to get prime real estate. Don't worry! You can always find standing room.

Include us in your plans for the week:

International Bible Study: July 3, 9:30-10:30, CLC Room 100
We will finish 1 John. Join us as we wrap up this short but complex and complete book.

Summer Games: July 5, 9:30-10:30, CLC Room 205/207
This is our last official game day. Join us for fun and conversation.

Meet-up: Lawrence W. Inlow Park, 6310 East Main Street
  • This is a change from our previously announced schedule. 
  • Notice, there is roundabout construction in the intersection  of East Main and Gray Roads, so plan for a diverted route.

subdivisions: land that is divided and developed into a housing development or community within a town or city
tarps: plastic blankets
stake their ground: claim a location
prime real estate: a great location or piece of property
standing room: a place to stand and watch an event
diverted: changed, not a usual planned route