Saturday, July 21, 2018

Summer Pests (part one)

Hello Friends,

The days have been beautiful. When the weather is fine, we love to get out of the house and enjoy the great outdoors at concerts and festivals. Many families take vacations over the summer. You are sure to encounter pests in the great outdoors.

When you go to the park or take a walk in the woods or go camping or work in the garden, you will encounter some of our most common outdoor pests: mosquitos and ticks. Mosquitos live in the foliage during the day and come out in force in the evening. Mosquitos are to blame for West Nile virus here in Indiana as well as heartworms in dogs. To protect from these biting insects use a good repellant (repellents containing DEET are the most effective) and give your dog heartworm medication each month or as directed by your veterinarian. Certain plants also help to repel mosquitos, so planting them in your garden may help: lavender, basil, rosemary and geraniums are a few of the plants. To help keep mosquitos from breeding around your house, empty and refill pet water dishes and bird baths daily. Make sure plants don't have standing water and make sure your gutters are draining well. Mosquito bites are mostly annoying and itchy for a few days. Just be careful scratching doesn't lead to infection.

We have two types of ticks here in Indiana. Deer ticks are extremely tiny and you may not notice them. Wear light colored clothing and a hat to better see them when outdoors. Dogs and cats can take preventive medicine for fleas and ticks, but that doesn't mean that these pests won't hitch a ride on them. Ticks embed their heads into their victim, so use pointed tweezers and grab the tick as close to the head as possible and pull gently but firmly to get the whole insect. Clean the area with soap and water or alcohol to avoid infection. Ticks also carry disease. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Lyme Disease are the two that can be contracted here in Indiana. Symptoms are common to many other diseases: a rash, fever, chills, body aches, etc. so be sure to tell your doctor if you were bitten. You may want to tape the dead insect to a card with the date and hang on to it for a few weeks just in case you show symptoms. Antibiotics are the cure.

While we are looking forward to getting outside, some animals look forward to getting inside our homes and making themselves at home. Stay tuned for part two!

International Bible Study: Tuesdays, 9:30-10:30, room 100.
We wrapped up the three letters of John this week. Third John (3 John) encouraged the church to stand for right teaching and show hospitality and love to each other and to others. 

July 24: Join us as we read Jude. This study will be an exciting one. Jude is also a very short letter/book of the Bible but Judah (the author) confronts corrupt leaders. Watch the Bible Project summary to get a great overview to understand the backstory and history that Judah uses to communicate to his readers.

July 31: Join us for our last study of the summer. We will read and talk about favorite Psalms.

International Friends Meet Up
If you haven't been to Holliday Park, I would encourage you to go. You will love the beautiful trails and the extensive playground. The nature center is excellent, also.

For our next Meet Up, we will return to Inlow Park (always a favorite). Our last Meet Up is at Pendleton Falls Park. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and more of you will be able to get out and enjoy this gem.

August 2 Lawrence W. Inlow Park, 6310 East Main Street, Carmel
August 16 Pendleton Falls Park, 299 Falls Park Drive, Pendleton

the great outdoors: being out in beautiful nature
mosquitos: (mu ski toes) flying, biting insects
repellant (or repellent): drive away, repulsive
embed: attach firmly into
hitch a ride: get a lift
tweezers: too for removing small things like splinters from your skin
just in case: if; should something happen
show symptoms: display the signs of a disease
stay tuned: an old radio and television broadcasting saying encouraging people to come back 
backstory: what happens behind the scenes or occurred previously
gem: treasure something special or unique

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