2024-2025 Meetings and Classes


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Classes and Meetings: September 3, 2024-May 9, 2025

Email for more information or to join us.

Meetings are detailed below:
  • American English and Culture 
  • American English for Kids
  • American Sign Language (ASL)
  • International Bible Study
  • Teaching and Leading Language and Culture Discussion Group

International Friends In-Person Events: 9:00-11:00 AM

Getting back together in person (and on Zoom) to celebrate is an important part of a community. You don't have to be enrolled in a class to join. For details and more click on our In Person page. In Person dates:

September 5, 2024: Welcome to the new year of American Language and Culture

October 31, 2024: Pumpkin Carving Tailgate in the CLC parking lot
November 14, 2024: Thanksgiving Feast

December 19, 2024: Christmas Party

May 8, 2025: End of the year pizza party

American English and Culture Classes

Thursday, 9:00-11:00 AM, Zoom

Thursday, 7:00-8:00 PM, Cornerstone Lutheran Church, Room 102

Join us to improve your American English language knowledge, skills, pronunciation and accent, and American culture. All levels are welcome and students can choose options to improve specific areas where they need to grow. An individualized approach helps people move forward quickly to improve specific practical knowledge and skills.

  • Creative Journaling prompts help to expand English language development and expression as well as highlight areas for further development.
  • Critical listening practice helps to improve understanding and to adjust pronunciation.
  • Telling and talking provides one-way and two-way opportunities to communicate. When we tell, others are passive recipients and when we talk we have a conversation and a give and take. Both have important roles in communicating both formally and casually. 
  • Reading expands language skills by introducing variety in phrasing, vocabulary, and idea generation.

    1. Word Frequency Analyser: count the words in a document, categorize them, map them, graph them, and so much more.
    2. Browserling: This tool just counts tools and characters. Scan the list. 
  • Word Cloud Generators: determine common words and visually display them
    1. Word Clouds
    2. Free Word Cloud Generator
    3. Tag Crowd
    4. Word It Out
    5. Word Art
    1. From the Apple Store. 
    2. From Google Play.
  • Writing Help
    1. Word Tune
Curriculum Topics by Month Under Construction

May: Apex Project Workshop: Have fun bringing everything we did together in one place.

American English for Kids: Friday, 5:30--6:00 PM, Zoom (private link)

Join other school-aged Friends to play games and talk to each other about school and other fun stuff. Keep your English skills sharp!

American Sign Language Conversation: Tuesday, 5:00-6:00 PM, Zoom

Come and talk with your hands and practice your American Sign Language skills. This conversation group practices talking in the unique for conversing with the deaf and hearing impaired. Many parents are incorporating sign language in family language learning to help ease toddler communication frustrations. For English students, learning ASL supports understanding and practice of spoken American English with meaningful gestures.


  • Signing Savvy: a go-to resource for looking for vocabulary and learning
  • Hand Speak:  a no-nonsense source for vocabulary, deaf culture, finger spelling, videos, and vocabulary
  • ASLU: a dictionary and series of classes and lessons.
  • Reverse Look Up: a guide to find out what you were saying or what you see.
  • We Play Along: songs to sing and sign.
  • American Sign Language Dictionary: the largest collection of video signs online; search and compare thousands of words and phrase.
  • 100+ First ASL Words: a list of common and frequent words to get conversations going
  • ASL at Work: a preliminary summary of terms in the office; the workbook is available on line with a log in.
  • ASL Grammar: an informative page to sign as expected. ASL does not follow American English grammar form.
  • The ASL App (app)
  • Pocket Sign (app)

International Bible Study: Monday, 8:00-9:00 PM, Zoom

Join us as we continue our reading of the Old Testament and Psalms. The Bible is available in all languages and allows us access to read in a familiar language and then compare English language. Conceptual topics in the Bible open us to conversations about language, culture, ethics, and beliefs. Read and use the resources to discover how American Christians use the Bible in worship.
  • Bible Gateway offers many versions of the Bible in many languages. Read on-line and side-by-side with two languages.
  • Bible Study Schedules and Guides: find all you need to read along on this page.
  • Cornerstone Lutheran Services are live and recorded. Use this resource to become familiar with the language and flow of American-style worship as well as gain insight into the Bible readings.

Teaching and Leading Language and Culture Discussion Group: TBA, Zoom

Join teachers and leaders to talk about current challenges and solutions as we reach out and care for our communities.