Thursday, March 31, 2016

Next Week is our Spring Break

Welcome spring, dear Friends.

I hope that you have great plans for our Spring Break next week (no meetings or classes April 5, 6 or 7). A lot of people plan to get out of Dodge for the week. I think that the community stages these school breaks to keep the pressure off of our airports. Travel can be hectic between the people leaving and the Spring weather.

This is no April Fool! Don't forget this important holiday on April 1. Play fun practical jokes on your friends and family. Classic jokes: switch out sugar for salt and vice versa, set wake up alarms an hour early and then adjust the clocks to an hour late, use food dye to color food strange colors. Is this mean? Well, since people are expecting the practical jokes it is just for fun.

International Bible Study: Tuesdays, 9:00-10:30, room 100
We read the famous story of Jesus feeding the 5000 (men, there were really more people than 5000!). This story takes place after Jesus' apostles went out on a "training mission" to teach and heal people (Luke 9:1-9) and they met to debrief. Many people followed Jesus. Instead of turning them away, Jesus "welcomed them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God." He healed those people who needed healing. People stayed and the Twelve (the men who were appointed as teachers and leaders) apostles say to Jesus, "Send the crowd away so they can go to the surrounding villages and countryside and find food and lodging because we are in a remote place here." (Luke 9:14) Jesus answers them, "You give them something to eat." They counter with the argument that they don't have enough food or money to take care of the people. Jesus then performs a miracle: he feeds all of the people with five loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus the crowd to sit down in groups of about 50 and then He gives thanks for the food and broke it and gave it to the disciples to "set before the people." Everyone ate until they were satisfied. The disciples picked up 12 basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. What an amazing miracle: When God provides for us and there are even leftovers for later; God doesn't send people away to fend for themselves, God has us participate in the wonder caring for each other. In the kingdom of God, we are well cared for and well loved.
April 5: No meetings for Spring Break
April 12: Let's read Luke 9:18-27

International Friends: Tuesdays, 10:30-12:00, room 100
We talked about severe weather and what to do. A watch means that conditions are favorable for severe storms/tornados. A warning means that a tornado has been sighted. Watch the weather channel or local TV channels for details.

Some important tips:
  • Take shelter in the lowest level of a building an area where there are no windows (usually a bathroom). If you are in a public building, there will be signs by the door directing you where to shelter.
  • Stock the area with emergency supplies: a blanket to protect you from flying debris and glass.
  • Remember the triangle rule: falling debris will make a triangle shelter beside a large object.
  • Don't forget to grab a pair of shoes: when you leave your shelter, there could be broken glass and other objects to cut your feet.
  • Have a family plan for taking shelter and practice it.
  • Have a family plan for meeting.
  • Your kids will be safe at school. Wait until the storm is over.
  • If you are driving, pull over. If there is a tornado warning, hide in a low-lying area or ditch.
  • Don't drive through floods on roadways (unless instructed by a police officer).
April 5: No meetings for Spring Break
April 12: Let's talk about spring gardening and then take a field trip to the garden center

Conversaton: Wednesday, 4:30-6:00, room 100
We enjoyed chocolate chip, banana pancakes with whipped coconut cream. Everyone carefully avoided talking about their careers.
April 6: No meetings for Spring Break
April 13: No units to read! Woo hoo!

English Classes: Thursdays, 9:30-12:00, upstairs classrooms
It was nice to stop in and say hello to everyone. I hope that you had a chance to stop by and pick up some safety goodies. Have a relaxing break and be sure to practice your English so you don't lose it!
April 7: No meetings for Spring Break
April 14: Class as usual

get out of Dodge: leave town, this comes from old American Western or cowboy movies where people left town quickly
keep the pressure off: relieve
practical jokes: a trick played on someone to embarrass them or to make them feel foolish
vice versa: each way around
well: using well at the beginning of a sentence is a conversational stall that lets the speaker give a little more thought to their um or uh. You usually don't see "well" in written correspondence
debrief: meet to talk about what happened; share experience and thoughts
Twelve: the number here is capitalized because it is a name
fish: one fish, two fish, three fish (When they are all the same kind the plural is fish. When there are multiple species or groups, the plural is fishes)
fend for themselves: care for yourself without any help
goodies: treats, small gifts
stop by and pick up: visit somewhere for a short time to get something
don't lose it: forget
class as usual: we will follow our regular schedule

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