Friday, October 3, 2014

The Last Post of September or the First Post of October or a Little of Both

Hello, Fall, and hello, Friends,

October is here. What a beautiful month to live in Indiana. The leaves are changing and the dawn With the start of October we start looking forward to the holiday of Halloween. Boo at the Zoo and the Children's Museums both have fun programs for younger children that have begun. The Haunted Houses and Scream Parks are getting ready. People are decorating their homes for fall and for Halloween. Do you know what you will dress up as this year?

At International Bible Study we read John 1: 35-50, how Jesus' first disciples came to follow Him.
This is an interesting story because we discovered that two disciples left John the Baptist to follow Jesus. Other disciples were relatives who followed Jesus when their told them to come and see. Finally, Jesus invited others to come and see. Jesus was a familiar person to them; a nice boy from a nice family.

We learned all about the game of football at International Friends. Elizabeth helped us learn terms and we watched the YouTube video How to Understand Football. We divided into two teams and walked through some of the ideas and rules of the game so we could better learn the terms and how to basically play the game. Watch this video a few times to learn the terms. There are some text bubbles that pop up to help you. Pause and back up as necessary. We played the classic: Table Top Football (or Paper Football). This game has been around since the 1950s and is always popular with teenage boys during study hall. First, you make the football (from paper) by folding a long sheet into triangles and tucking in the end. This game follows the rules of football, but is much more simple:
1. one player wins the toss (mark your football on one side; toss it in the air your opponent calls "heads" (the marked side) or "tails" (the plain side)).
2. play begins and the player moves the football "down the field" to try and score a touchdown within four moves.
3. a touchdown is when the football hangs off the edge of the table and is worth 6 points.
4. the player can then try for a field goal: the opponent makes a goal post with his or her hands (either with thumbs together and fingers pointing up or with index fingers and thumbs pointing up) and the other player kicks (actually, flicks) the ball to get it through the goal (one more point).
5. the game ends when the agreed upon points are reached, when the bell rings to change classes, or if you are playing while waiting for your pizza to be delivered, it is sudden death and the game is over when food arrives!
There are no set rules for this game, so make up penalties and your own special way of playing.

At our Conversation class on Wednesday we learned Eight Form Taichi and talked about health and exercise. Here are two links to YouTube videos. The first is one we did in class. The second is similar to the style and speed that I am more used to practicing. Try either of them for a quick warm up and work out:

  • (about eight minutes)
  • (about four minutes)
We found out that all of us like to exercise, but not the same way. 
  • Piloxing: (almost 11 minutes)
  • Yoga: (day one of the 30 day yoga challenge, nine and a half minutes)
  • Zumba: (Boom Boom Pow! (about four minutes)
  • Bodyweight exercises: (Here are 45 of them! A sampling in five minutes; not a workout, but you'll feel tired from watching! And here are some for beginners
  • Chasing our kids.....
It's fun to try something to get you to move!

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, October 7
International Bible Study, 9:00-10:30: Let's read John 2:1-11, Jesus' first miracle.
Join us as we read the first miracle that Jesus performs. This is my favorite.

International Friends, 10:30-12:00 (or as long as we like): Let's go to Conner Prairie
Join us as we go to see Conner Prairie, 13400 Allisonville, Rd., Fishers. We plan to go on the Balloon Voyage (but you may choose to sit this out). Admission is $15 for adults, $14 for seniors 65+, and $10 for youth 2-12 (Group admission tickets are $3 less in each category. The Balloon Voyage with discount coupons cost $10 if we have 15 or more participants, or with the Rickers discount coupons, Tickets cost $15 for adults and $5 for youth 2-12.

Wednesday, October 8
Conversation, 4:30-6:00: Let's talk write sentiments and short notes for greeting cards.
Bring scissors, small sheets of wrapping paper, ribbons, etc. to make greeting cards and then brainstorm sentiments and wishes to write in them.

Thursday, October 9
English Classes: 9:30-12:00
As classes continue, don't forget to practice your English at every opportunity:
  • Ask the person behind you in the grocery line about something they are purchasing (I haven't tried that before, how do you like to prepare it?)
  • Listen to the sound of English talk shows (like you are listening to music) to catch the cadence of the language.
  • Use your smartphone to record your own voice; is your pronunciation the same as the "professional broadcast English" you hear around you? 
Vocabulary and punctuation:
Hello, Fall, and hello, Friends,: Look at all those commas! You should always use a comma in a greeting in a note or email except when you begin a formal letter with Dear. It is acceptable to omit the comma after Fall since it is separating two short phrases separated by the word "and." To mane
disciple: someone who follows another person to learn from them
walked through: practiced or tried, not to be confused with walking through a spider web (which happens a lot this time of year)
pause: stop
classic: something that has been around a long time, it stands the test of time
(words (more words)).: Yes, parentheses within parentheses. The ending punctuation (period) goes on the outside if the last parenthesis. (notice the spelling: parentheses is a pair, parenthesis refers to just one).
study hall: time for students to study or catch up on work that us usually spent sleeping, playing games or in these modern times texting.
sudden death: a game ends and the points stand as they are.
sit this out: not participate

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