Saturday, October 11, 2014

Fall is Underway

Hello, Friends:

Fall is underway; winter is on its way! What damp and chilly weather we have been are having! This time of year you can never tell which way the weather will turn.One minute it is sunny, the next minute it is cloudy and the next it is raining. I'm glad we haven't seen any snow, yet!

This is a long, long, update. Be sure to read to the end! If you asked me about something this week, I hope I answered you.

Have a great weekend!

The story of the Marriage at Canaan was our topic at our International Bible Study, John records Jesus' first miracle: he turned water into wine (John 2:1-11)! What an unusual and wonderful gift to the wedding party. The wine was running out in the middle of the wedding (three days into the celebration), then Jesus asked servants to fill some jars that were used to hold water for ceremonial washing. He tells the servants to draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet. The water had become wine and the best wine! Jesus hadn't touched it. We discovered that Jesus saved:

  • the marriage
  • the "face" and reputation of the bridal families
  • the party

The relationships of the people and the town were preserved. What an interesting choice for a first miracle; Jesus showed that He was a man and was approachable to solve our smallest problems. He cares that we have good lives and great relationships.

Because of the gloomy weather, we decided not to go into Conner Prairie with International Friends and to save the trip for pleasant weather. That didn't stop us from enjoying the museum shop or the Apple Store. We tasted the best apple fritters (This is the place to get them!). The store opens at 11:00a.m.), Enjoy hot apple cider or take a half gallon or gallon home. Buy a bag of apples or an apple pie. They say that the caramel apples here will ruin you for any other.

At Conversation on Wednesday afternoon, we talked about what to put in greeting cards. We came up with some ideas and discovered in Miss Manners Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior that the best sentiment is one that comes from your heart. It is always correct to write something personal in a card or greeting. It is unacceptable to just use the card. We talked about stealing ideas from a card shop. We found that it is most difficult to come up with something to say when we feel strongly about something and in that case we are at a loss for words. Finally, sometimes less is more: I hope you have a great day! is better than saying more of something you don't feel.

Here are some sites to get your creative juices flowing:

We also talked about writing e-mails to your children's teachers. They are busy people that usually glance at an e-mail during the work day.

Greet them formally.
Cut to the chase.
Use numbers or bullet points if you have more than one question or request.
Do name your child in your note (you don't need to introduce yourself: you are signing the note at the end)

Dear Mrs. Yoshida,

My daughter Sally Willard has been having a great deal of trouble with her Algebra II exercises and tests. She has been working with her brother when he is home from college, but she still doesn't understand the concepts. We are at a loss on how to help her at this point. Please:

  • arrange a time and place to go over this material with her
  • provide me with alternative resources for us to help her
  • let us know if she is focussing in class

Thank you for your time and attention.

Carolyn Willard
(mobile number)

Many of you are asking for grammar help in our Thursday English Classes. Each week your teacher is going over grammar topics. You may be enjoying your class so much that you aren't noticing the small and large details! If you have a text book (all levels but Conversation), you will notice that each lesson focuses on a particular grammar topic. Your teacher is also listening to correct your and other students' grammar. Listen.

October 14
International Bible Study, 9:00-10:30: Let's read John 2:12-25
Join us as we see Jesus in action and He cleans the temple.

International Friends, 10:30-12:00: Let's make appointments and order from menus.
Making appointments via telephone can be difficult. Join us as we practice calling to make a variety of appointments. We will look at menus from different American restaurants to talk about different ordering options and practice ordering.

October 15
Conversation: 4:30-6:00: Join us as we make and taste grits. We will talk about Halloween and decorating for this major holiday.

October 16
English Classes: 9:30-12:00: We are continuing our study of English. Help your teachers help you. Ask questions. Tell them what you want to know. They are happy to help you specifically.

damp and chilly: weather that includes light rain and cool temperatures
never tell which way the weather will turn: predict the weather
miracle: an event not explained by natural or scientific laws
draw some out: to get water out of a well or jar from the top; draw out can also mean: cause more time to spent doing something or to get information from someone
gloomy:  gray and overcast;  the weather can be gloomy; a person's attitude can be gloomy (negative)
pleasant: enjoyable, nice
apple fritters: chunks of apples mixed with donut batter, deep fried and glazed...mmmmmmm
Excruciatingly: painfully
sentiment: statement in a card; feeling, emotion, attitude
comes from your heart: something you feel
at a loss for words: can not think of what to say
creative juices flowing: get ideas for something
cut to the chase: get to the point, be polite, but not personal
at a loss: don't know how to help

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