Friday, September 10, 2021

Welcome Back!

Hello Friends:

Welcome to September! The kids are getting back to school and the pools are closing. Fall is creeping into the air. Apple farms, pumpkin farms, sunflower patches and more are open. 

Our meetings and classes began September 7. Register to get the Zoom links for the 2021-2022 year. You are welcome to join us any time; we have rolling admissions. Thanks to Zoom, you do not have to be local

Register for the 2021-2022 Year

In America

Labor Day

Labor Day signals the official end of summer. Pools close. Kids return to school. This federal holiday is often celebrated with parades, picnics and speeches. After Labor Day, white shoes, dresses, pants, etc. are not fashion choices. Read more about the history of Labor Day from the Department of Labor.

20th Anniversary of 9-11

Saturday marks the 20th anniversary of the attack on America. News and television programs highlight the lives of the people lost as well as the survivors. These images and stories are heart wrenching. This unexpected attack that took the lives of American citizens (and not military) was and continues to be shocking.

Our Meetings and Classes

International Bible Study: Tuesday, 9:30-10:30 AM EST, Zoom

We met for the first time and set our study for the year. This year we have decided to read shorter books so that we can complete our studies. 

The Bible is the most read and translated book in the world. This is perfect for our individual study in any language and common discussion in English. We are able to explore and express philosophical, spiritual and social ideas within the context of the Bible. This week our discussion was an overview and to determine where we would start.

What is the Bible?

  • Many books in one "library": history, biographies, law, poetry, predictions.
  • How God speaks to me offering: support, direction, peace, love, companionship, empathy.
  • God's love letter to us inviting us to know Him and giving us a vision of Him.
  • A guide for living.

Who is the Bible for?

  • Anyone and everyone.
  • God created the world for our enjoyment so everyone can enjoy the Bible.
  • No formal religions forbid the reading of the Bible so anyone can read it.
  • Governments, political groups, individual people may forbid the reading of the Bible.

September 14: Galatians 1 is our first read. Join us as we begin to talk about this short letter to the Galatians.

International Friends: Tuesdays, 10:30 AM-12:00 PM EST, Zoom

Our first meeting was a truly International Meeting with Friends Zooming from Turkey, Hong Kong and the United States. We had a very nice time comparing cultures and getting to know each other. 

September 14: Bring your stories about your favorite travel location. Do you have pictures? You can share your screen.

Afternoon Conversation: Wednesday, 4:30-6:00 PM EST, Zoom 

Join us for unscripted conversation. Meet new Friends and talk about what is happening in your life. We never know where the discussion leads. This is what makes us more proficient in our speaking and communicating skills.

September 15: Zoom over to meet new Friends.

English Classes: Thursday, 9:30 AM- 12:00 PM EST, Zoom

We kept the school together to get to know each other, answer questions and take care of housekeeping.

We as we got to know each other, we practiced small talk through questions and answers. We looked at the pages referenced on our site that help you to build your vocabulary with common words and to improve your pronunciation. Check for the resources under English Classes on this page.

Language learning tips: 

  • Four seconds or "take a breath": when your mind is racing to communicate with others, take a breath. When you take that breath, focus on the air coming in and going out. That short break helps your body and mind reset. It is like refreshing the page on your computer.
  • Disrupt your habits: learning a new language isn't easy. We are all used to talking and communicating but it isn't easy to switch to a new mode of talking. Switch things up to become comfortable with being a little uncomfortable in our daily life: take a shower in another bathroom, eat dinner for breakfast or breakfast for dinner. 
  • Watch American TV with the Closed Captioning on and read along. This engages more senses.
  • Skip translating as much as possible. Draw pictures for flash cards. Write sentences using vocabulary words combining as many as possible in the sentence or story.
  • Think about your listener's ears rather than your voice and mouth. If you focus on your listener, you become a better communicator.
  • Speaking is communicating. It is an experience to be enjoyed. Relax and learn from each other.

September 16: Join us as we move into our individual classes and begin to study together.

Kids' Conversation: Friday, 4:30-5:00 PM EST, Zoom

It was so fun to get together and talk about what we did over the break. I am glad to hear that everyone is back in the classroom! We talked about the book the Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznek. Is this really a book? Is it something more? Check it out from the library (because it is free!) and be sure to look at the webpage The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick. Why would a book have it's own webpage?

September 18: See if you can create some Rice Krispie Sushi. Here is a site to hep you get started. You may want to get creative using different fruit or even other ingredients. (Is this a STEAM project?)

Rice Krispies Treats® Sushi Rolls (

check it out: borrow
clips: short video or audio
heart wrenching: extremely sad or emotional
housekeeping: details about the operations of a program
local: a person living in a specific area
marks: highlight or important notice
unscripted: unplanned

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