Saturday, April 27, 2019

Final Countdown

Hello, Friends.

Can you believe that we are in the final countdown to the end of our academic year? Be sure to join us as we wrap up our final meetings. I am sure that you will get a lot out of our classes as well as enjoy new friendships. Be sure to exchange contact information to keep in touch over the summer. Be sure to book dates with your friends for face to face fun.

In the News: 
Measles was eradicated in the United States in 2000 which implied that there were no cases of measles but in reality meant that the disease had not been seen here continuously throughout the year. Travelers to and from countries or other areas where the virus is active can start an outbreak in unprotected populations. Friday, two universities in Los Angeles were put under a quarantine. There were 695 cases in the U.S. primarily in Washington and New York states. People who were born between 1963 and 1987 are being advised to be revaccinated to be protected and to protect others. Parents who were concerned about the effects of vaccinations and made a decision not to vaccinate their children are being urged to keep their children home and/or take precautions to keep their children from being exposedCloser to home, there were 17 mumps cases on the campus of Indiana University in Bloomington. Students are required to have two doses of the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine in most public universities to protect the overall population as well as individual health.

International Bible Study: Tuesdays, 9:00-10:00, room 100.
We caught up on the Easter story and are ready to move on to John 21. Come and read with us as we discuss this final chapter of John. 

International Friends: Tuesdays, 10:00-11:30, room 100
We had an interesting time planting our lettuce bowls. Since these are microgardens, some of our friends were surprised that we mixed the seeds together and sprinkled them into the soil. It will be fun to see which plants emerge first and how fast they grow!

April 30: Join us for a food challenge. Bring a food you would like to try or a food that is unique that you would like to share with everyone else. By special request I am bringing a squirrel dish.

English Classes: Thursdays, 9:00-11:30+, upstairs classrooms
I enjoyed visiting classes to touch base about our upcoming schedule. American Accent class was talking about different styles of heels and which are most comfortable and appropriate for a wedding. In Level Three they were listening to words in isolation and everyone took turns saying what they heard. It is fun to hear (and see, since Kris wrote the words on the board) what people think they are saying and what people think they are hearing. It is also a great lesson in the importance of understanding the situation and context for your vocabulary. 

May 2: Class as usual
May 9: Pizza Party begins at 10:45 (more like 11:00!)
May 16: Last class of the year: each class will have 

Parents with Children: Thursdays during our classes
This week we read and talked about my favorite Fairy Tale: Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Fairy tales teach so many things in a fanciful manner that allows them to learn acceptable and unacceptable social behavior or prepare for an emergency in a nonthreatening way. Goldilocks and the Three Bears is the story of a girl that helps herself to another family's food and home. Little does she know that the family that lives there are bears and no one wants to cross a bear! This tale teaches hot and cold (and just right); big and little (and just right); hard and soft (and just right).

Here is Goldilocks and the Three Bears read by Dad. This is the traditional American version that I grew up reading.

final countdown: look forward to the end (or beginning) of something
academic year: the calendar dates when classes are in session
be sure to: do something
get a lot out of:
exchange: give something for something else
contact information: telephone number, email, address, etc.; how to contact someone
keep in touch: communicate with someone over a period of time
book dates: schedule or plan a meeting with someone or reserve time or space (book dates at a hotel)
face to face: talk with someone in person
eradicated: made extinct or erased either globally or in a defined area
outbreak: break out or sudden surge or growth
put under: placed in a limited state
quarantine: isolation for a time to protect others from a disease (historically 40 days!)
primarily: mostly
effects: results from a behavior or act
urged: encouraged
precautions: actions to protect 
exposed: come in contact with something
closer to home: idiom locally 
doses: recommended amount of medicine served or administered
final chapter: meaning the last section of a book; also used as a reference to a length of time anticipating the end of a life or life event (for example: Our youngest child is graduating, we are in the final chapter of kids at home.)
microgarden: a variety of plants in a small area or container
emerge: come out
heels: shoes with heels (I'm wearing heels with my cocktail dress)
fanciful: imaginary
isolation: cause to be alone
acceptable: agreed upon or pleasant
unacceptable: not pleasant or allowed
cross a bear: cross can mean encounter or it can mean to make someone angry; in this case both meanings work making this a good pun :)
just right: perfect or to someone's taste

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