Sunday, September 30, 2018

Welcome Fall

Hello Friends,

This weekend felt so much like fall. Our neighbors had a bonfire party. The smells of burning wood and toasting marshmallows wafted and whiffed out of the night and into our windows. This is a typical fall scenario. Be sure to take advantage of these wonderful days and the festivals they spawn. Enjoy corn mazes, pumpkin patches, hay rides and bonfires.

Important to note: we have our Fall Break Thursday, October 11. No classes that day.

so much: a lot
wafted: carried by the air
whiffed: smoke or a scent carried by air
scenario: setting or a story
spawn: cause to grow or happen

International Bible Study: Tuesdays, 9:00-10:00, room 100.
John briefly talks about how several men became Jesus' disciples in John 1:35-51. Jesus says his classic, "come and see" and "follow me." Brothers invite brothers and friends to meet and follow. Interestingly enough, John decides to tell the story of Nathanael meeting Jesus. This is the only mention of Nathanael in the whole Bible, yet this meeting is important enough for John to note.

We also read how Jesus changes water into wine as His first miracle in John 2:1-11. He does this at a wedding in Cana. That Jesus chooses to save the party and the reputation of the groom and make the wedding a success is a wonderful gift. We discovered that Jesus' mother encouraged Him to begin His official work. There is a beautiful parallel between this story and the analogy of Jesus as the bridegroom and the church as the bride. The bridegroom of the church transforms water reserved for purifying into wine for celebrating!

October 2: Join us as we discuss the story where Jesus "clears" the temple: John 2:12-25.

briefly: using a few words
interestingly enough: strangely, curiously
note: mention
parallel: follow along side
purifying: cleaning

International Friends: Tuesdays, 10:00-11:30, room 100.
We made it to Tuttle Orchards! The weather cooperated long enough for us to have the opportunity to pick delicious apples. We visited the store and checked out the café area. They have some really delicious options with high quality, Indiana locally sourced ingredients.

locally sourced: obtained from the near area

October 2: Let's cook with apples! Join us as we try some recipes. Bring two apples and to make fritters and baked apples and apple cake. If you have cup cake tins, please bring those, also.

Conversation: Wednesdays, 4:30-6:00, room 100.
John taught us the very many dishes and serving pieces that make up the typical American dinner table. We practiced passing plates and asking classmates to serve each other. It was good practice of practical American eating skills. Etiquette is an important aspect of friendly conversation. The Gentlemans' Gazette Table Etiquette Guide to Informal Dining gives a great summary. Note that this guide has European (two handed) rather than American (one handed) guidelines for handling flatware...either custom is appropriate in the United States. If you want to know more about place settings and templates for them visit the for some quick diagrams and explanations.

October 3: Our group continues to grow. Join us and learn new vocabulary and American customs.

passing plates:
etiquette: social rules and guides
appropriate: suitable, proper
diagrams: drawings

English Classes: Thursdays, 9:00-11:30, upstairs classrooms.
We are continuing to develop an elegant solution for parents with small children to continue their English practice and learn about American customs as well as have an interesting and meaningful experience for our children.

We have developed a program to begin October 18: Spend 40 minutes with your children and learn skills (in English) that help to cement children's success and development while practicing your English language skills. Then, rotate your children into the nursery while you attend your class.This option helps to take the pressure off of the nursery and gives your children a break and structure from free play.

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