Thursday, May 10, 2018

Two and One...

Hello, Friends.

Welcome to summer! I hope that you are enjoying these beautiful days. Remember that in Indiana we still run the risk of frost until Mother's Day, which is always the second Sunday in May. If you plan to go out for brunch for this special day, make sure you have your reservations in early. Brunch is a very popular way to appreciate mom. 
I am sorry last week's update didn't get posted. This week you get a two for one deal: two weeks of updates in one e-mail. Be sure to read to the end so you don't miss a word!

As we wind down the year, and wind up Summer Fun!
Because we don't want your social and snacking skills to get rusty:
  • Our first meet up will be Thursday, June 7 at Lawrence Inlow Park, 6320 East Main Street (just east of the church) starting at 11:30. Bring a snack to share! Other dates are June 21; July 5 and 19; August 2 and 16. Parks will be announced.
Because we don't want your English skills to get rusty:
  • International Bible Study: Tuesday mornings beginning June 5, 9:30 at CLC room to be announced. We have a text group that will help us organize our dates.
  • International Friends Summer Games: Jonathan will be offering a games class so you can brush up and maintain your skills at 9:30-10:30 at CLC June 7, 14 and 28. July 5, 19 and 26 and August 2 9:30 at CLC room to be announced.
  • There are free Conversation Circles at the various Indianapolis Public Libraries that are free and open to the public that are offered Mondays and Tuesdays at 6:00 PM through the IUPUI School of Liberal Arts. Beth is leading the Nora Branch (8625 Guilford Ave) meeting. These began April 23. 

International Bible Study: Tuesdays, 9:30-10:30, room 100.
May 1
During the time of the New Testament, lepers were ostracized by their communities because this horrible disease created a huge fear of contamination. In Matthew chapter 8 a leper approaches Jesus, falls to his knees, and expresses confidence that if Jesus wants to, He can heal him. Jesus does want to heal him! Afterward He warns him to go straight to tell the priests of his cleansing. He also encourages the man to offer the gifts prescribed in the law of Moses.

We also discussed that, according to history, the offering consisted of two white birds, cedar wood, hyssop (a shrub used in purification), scarlet cloth and running water. You may want to read more about this fascinating ritual, which in many ways symbolizes how Jesus’ death and resurrection cleanses us from our sins.

Many world religions have systems of sacrifices and sin-offerings to make things right with their gods. The Jewish people of the Old Testament were used to offerings and sacrifices being made as an atonement for their sins. When Jesus came, He “streamlined” the process by becoming the ultimate and final sacrifice for all sins committed by all people. We can go straight to Him for forgiveness and healing. For those who accept Jesus as their Savior, there is no more need for sacrifices.~Jan Heimann

May 8:

The centurion we meet in Matthew 8:5-13 and in Luke 7:1-10 was an amazing man. He was in charge of at least 100 soldiers who were part of the occupying Roman army. Most of these Roman soldiers were despised by the Jewish people and considered enemies, but not this centurion. He had friends in high places among the religious leaders of the Jews. These elders of the church went to Jesus and asked Him to heal the centurion’s gravely ill servant. They said, “This man deserves to have you do this, because he loves our nation and has built our synagogue.” A foreigner who showed respect for the new culture he was living in, a powerful and wealthy man who cared deeply for his sick servant, a man with great authority who recognized Jesus as someone with even greater authority. A humble man. A really good man. He was sure that with just a word, Jesus could heal his servant. 

Jesus said that He hadn’t found anyone in Israel with such great faith, and He predicted that many Gentiles would someday be in heaven. The promise of eternal life is for everyone! It’s all about what you believe, not about who you are. 

We also read about Jesus healing His disciple Peter’s mother-in-law, who was sick with a fever. He touched her hand, the fever left her, and she immediately got up and began to take care of her guests’ needs. Such a “mom thing,” to be sick one minute and, with God’s help, be up cooking and cleaning the next! 

May 15:
Join us for our last Bible Study for this school year, but our group has decided to continue meeting this summer every Tuesday at 9:30.  ~Jan Heimann

International Friends: Tuesdays, 10:30-12:00, room 100.
May 1:
This week we packed our lunches and enjoyed the cherry blossoms at the park in Carmel. It was a beautiful day for an outing. The children enjoyed a wading in the pond. Who can resist getting their shoes wet?

May 8:
We celebrated Taco Tuesday at Qdoba 14490 Clay Terrace Blvd. It was a beautiful day to celebrate and eat out of doors. We strolled down to Orvis and learned about fly fishing lessons that are being offered over the summer months. 

May 16: 
Join us for our last meeting of the year. Bring a dish to share and the recipe. We will eat and have a nice social party to end our year.

Conversation: Wednesdays, 4:30-6:00, upstairs classroom.

May 2: 
We talked about TED Talks and the April newspaper. We looked at how to do Nonograms. How did we come to talking about these? Because we were looking up crossword puzzles! Does this make sense? Not necessarily because Conversations can range across many subjects and ideas!

May 9: 

We presented our TED talks and were inspired to puzzle with Suduko (originally invented in Indiana!). We were inspired to visit the Dominican Republic and to take advantage of Groupon offerings to get there.

May 16:

Let's meet at the Local Eatery and Pub (14655 N. Gray Road, Westfield) for our final meeting of the year.

English Classes: Thursdays, 9:30-12:00

May 10:
We shortened class time to have our annual pizza party on Thursday It was great to feast on pizza and cookies and conversation! Thank you Marco's Pizza for a delicious lunch. Thank you Level 3/Writing Class for your great ordering. Thank you for taking home leftovers!

May 17:

Our last official class. Happy summer!

brunch: a meal between morning and afternoon that takes the place of breakfast and lunch. Usually brunch is used as a celebration and cocktails can be included.

contamination: the act of making something impure by contact with something unclean

atonement: satisfaction or reparation for a wrong or injury; amends
streamline: to alter in order to make more efficient or simple
ultimate: maximum; decisive; conclusive; total
occupying army: soldiers who take control of a foreign area by military force
despise: to regard with contempt, disgust, or disdain

elders: influential members of the religious community

gravely ill: seriously or critically sick

synagogue: house of worship

Gentile: non-Jewish
ostracize: to exclude from society; to banish

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