Saturday, September 23, 2017

A great second week!

Hello, Friends.

Friday marked the first day of fall and the autumal equinox. With diminishing daylight hours you may be tempted to diminish your outdoor activities. Actually, the opposite is true. This is a beautiful time of year to be in Indiana. If you are new to the Midwest, you are in for a treat. There are many opportunities to celebrate outdoors at festivals: this weekend there are quite a few. The weather is usually cooperates with our festivities with not so hot days and cool nights. You may have noticed the trees are beginning to change...Brown County is a great place to go for a day trip. Judge the best time by keeping an eye on the Leaf Cam

We had a nice Meet Up at the CLC Oktoberfest. Thank you Kathy and Bill for holding court and holding tables

International Bible Study: Tuesdays, 9:30-10:30, room 100.

As we read Psalm 31 in our native languages, we marveled at the beautiful and poetic structure of David's lament. David begins by declaring his trust in God, but in the middle his words turn into a rant to God about the people and circumstances that threaten him. Then in the final verses David, in essence, says, "But I know you will fix this, God!" 
We discussed cultural norms that warn children not to cry in public, but to do their crying at home. Most of us could easily relate to this advice, and it helped us to understand David's crying out to God in this Psalm. And who doesn't feel better after a good cry once in a while? 

We also started the book of Matthew at the beginning of the New Testament. We talked about the genealogy of Jesus.

September 26: Join us! We will read about His birth in Matthew 1: 18-25. We will begin by reading Psalm 19

International Friends: Tuesdays, 10:30-12:00, room 100.
Thank you Sayuri for the amazing and delicious dessert. The pictures and recipe are posted on our Facebook page. Yes...I had trouble trying to paste the pictures into our update. The good news is that you can take a little virtual trip to our public page. We also have a private page. Ask me about it!

September 26: Let's go to Tuttle Orchards 5717 N 300 W, Greenfield, IN 46140 · ~16.3 m
There is apple picking, a pumpkin patch, a corn maze and kids farm, a farm store and a sweet shop. Meet at the church to carpool/caravan OR meet at the farm. Bring your children! This is a fun family event!

Conversation: Wednesdays, 4:30-6:00, room 210.
Wow! We had a great turn out for our Conversation class. This meeting is unleveled (anyone can come to chat. We talked about what we wanted to get out of our meetings this year: 

  • accent and pronunciation correction
  • sentence structure
  • smooth speaking
  • vocabulary building
  • practice listening and speaking English
We found the tricky part is practicing English and not our home languages.  We talked about strategies for remembering words. When learning a language and vocabulary it is normal and necessary to "forget" words. When you review and remember you are replacing that information in your brain. You have to "forget" a number of times before something is easily accessed and remembered.

September 27: Bring your Current in (Carmel, Fishers, Noblesville, Westfield, ASF); bring a word or phrase you found interesting or difficult; immerse yourself in English media as you drive or at home.

English Classes: Thursdays, 9:30-12:00, upstairs classrooms
Everyone settling into their classrooms. It was nice to drop in with your text books and see what is going on. There were many interesting conversations and activities happening in each class. In the conversation class they were talking about not ending a sentence with a preposition. You can see an example of that in the second sentence above (and right here). Or you could say: You can see and example of that above in the second sentence. Can you come up with a better way to rephrase that second sentence? Learn more about using prepositions.

September 28: It is never too late to join us! Also, Accent Training and Conversation will join forces after a brief review.

marked: set aside
[;]: a semicolon is used to separate two complete sentences that are joined as one idea
not so hot: cooler (for example: "How do you like your soup?" "Not so hot; I am waiting for it to cool off before I can taste it?"); someone may say that something is "not so hot" meaning not very good (for example: "How are you feeling?" "Not so hot; I have a cold."  or "How was the movie?" "Not so hot; the special effects were lame." 
holding court: 
lament: a formal expression of sorrow or mourning, especially in verse or song
to rant: to speak or declaim extravagantly or violently; talk in a wild or vehement way; rave
cultural norms: basic customs
a good cry: when your situation overwhelms and you cry hard; this is 
take a little virtual trip: click on a link and go to another place on line
ASF: and so forth, etc., 
media: radio, television
drop in: stop by
going on: happening
rephrase: say in another way
join forces: meet together to work together

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