Saturday, January 28, 2017

Gong Xi Fa Cai or Gong Hey Fat Choi, Friends.

Welcome to the new lunar year. It is the year of the chicken or rooster. In China (and other Asian countries) this is the important Spring festival that lasts until the 15th of the month. This time of year we are very happy to be thinking about and celebrating anything that has to do with spring!

This is not a usual celebration across the U.S., but we are happy to absorb this holiday and incorporate it into our repertoire of things to celebrate! Did you notice that in the United States we usually celebrate on one specific day? I love that in many other countries holidays are more like festivals: they last for days or weeks. Here in the States we use the word "festival" loosely to include all kinds of opportunities: there are music festivals, art festivals, international festivals, community festivals... None of these events are specific to a particular holiday or event; they can just be a reason for people to get together and celebrate or shop or eat or dance or ride rides. Churches, schools and communities will hold "summer fests" as a fundraiser for their organization or for a specific charity. In Indiana there are 640 festivals in January and February. There is no excuse to have the winter blues! You can always find something to do and something to celebrate. Check out the Indiana State Festival Guide.

International Bible Study: Tuesdays, 9:30-10:30, room 100
The conversion of Saul (later known as Paul), who had been consumed with zeal to rid the world of the despicable followers of Jesus, is proof that God can change people! Our group enjoyed reading and discussing this astonishing story in Acts chapter 9. 

Saul was on his way to Damascus to arrest Christians, when suddenly a bright light from heaven flashed around him, and a voice asked, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?" It was Jesus, saying in essence that anyone who persecutes His people, persecutes Him. He gave Saul orders to go to Damascus, where a man named Ananias, following the Holy Spirit's leading, healed Saul's blindness and baptized him. Saul immediately began to proclaim that Jesus was indeed the risen Savior, the Messiah who had been sent to redeem us from our sins. 

He did a 180! From passionate persecutor to inspired preacher! From hateful hunter of Christians to humble servant of Jesus! Even today God continues to call sinners to turn from their state of blindness and despair to a new life in Christ. He sends his Holy Spirit to those who believe and are baptized. The transforming effect of Saul's conversion gives us hope that God can and does change hearts. He uses us as witnesses to spread the message that God loves us!

January 31: Join us as we continue to read how the news of Jesus spreads through the world and the struggles of the people who spread the word.

International Friends: Tuesdays, 10:30-12:00, room 100
We were treated to okonomiyaki. What a delicious snack or dinner. These savory pancakes are so delicious and healthy. They are a wonderful way to serve your family vegetables! We made Osaka style okonomiyaki, where the ingredients are stirred into the batter. We learned that the Hiroshima style has the ingredients layered and includes soba noodles. The finished product is dressed with okonomiyaki sauce mayonnaise and dried fish flakes.

January 31: Join us as we wish Saori Davis Happy Birthday, talk about bad language and swearing (because you need to know what people are saying and what not to say) and Super Bowl.

Conversation: Wednesdays, 4:30-6:00, upstairs classroom
We met and explored Popsockets. Do you know about this new product? You can attach this product to the back of your phone and it is a handle that pops out to prop up your phone or to help you hold it. This is the trendy craze that is cool and functional.  

February 1: Let's talk about...Super Bowl at least!

chicken: delicious barnyard bird
rooster: male delicious barnyard bird
holiday: a day set aside by custom or law where normal business is suspended or reduced
festival: a community event that includes food and entertainment
States: capitalized this word is short for United States of America
loosely: not formally, flexibly
(...): three dots or periods are called an ellipsis. When you see this punctuation it means that the list continues in that manner
fundraiser: an event or product that raises money for particular cause
charity: a cause or organization that is funded by money the is given
winter blues: feeling lonely and depressed due to the cold weather and gray days
across: across the US means nationwide or everyone in the country
has to do with: related to
absorb: take in or include, assimilate
incorporate into our repertoire: include in our list of regularly performed events or activities

conversion: a change from one religion, political belief, viewpoint, etc., to another
zeal: fervor for a person, cause, or object; eager desire or endeavor; enthusiastic diligence
despicable: deserving to be despisedor regarded with distaste, disgust, or disdain; contemptible
to persecute: harass usually used as a result of religious or political beliefs
to do a 180:  to turn in the opposite direction

finished product: the final result
dressed: when sauce is added to finish a dish or food

trendy: fashional
craze: popular

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