Friday, November 4, 2016

Welcome November!

Welcome to November, Friends.

I hope you had a great time entertaining the children on Halloween! We had beautiful weather for this fun holiday! 

This weekend we "fall back" and recapture that hour we lost in the spring. Daylight savings time was established to save electrical energy and the idea was first presented by Benjamin Franklin. Your phones and computers will automatically change, but be sure to manually change any clocks you have. Also, this is the time to change the batteries in your smoke alarms.

The big holiday for November is Thanksgiving. Mark your calendars to us on Tuesday, November 22 at the church for our annual Thanksgiving feast. Everyone is welcome. And in the spirit of the holiday, bring your favorite feasting dish to share. Please send me your recipes in advance to so that I can put them in a recipe book for all of us to enjoy and make at home.

International Bible Study: Tuesdays, 9:30-10:30, room 100

Halloween is a perfect time to share scary stories around a bonfire, but this week in Bible Study we discussed a frightening story from the early church about a couple named Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5: 1-11). They had sold property and brought money from the sale to the apostles. They hoped to be admired like Barnabus in the previous story (see Acts 4: 36-37) who sold a field and gave the money to the church to help other people. However, Ananias and Sapphira pretended to give all of the money from the sale, when they secretly kept some of it for themselves. The church leader, Peter, confronts them: "you have not lied to men but to God." When they were confronted with their deception they fell down and died. We also read other similar stories from the Old Testament. We learned some important things about the character of God:

  • He cannot be lied to, tricked, or cheated
  • He is faithful and just
  • He defends and protects
  • He will not be disrespected

There are consequences for our actions against God and other people. God is not to be taken lightly, but we can trust that He ALWAYS has our best interest at heart. He loves and cares for us, but if you think you can pull one over on God, you better think again! Deceptions will always be uncovered and will always be met with justice.

November 8: Let's read about how the apostles heal many people in Acts 5.

International Friends: Tuesdays, 10:30-12:00, room 100

We made chocolate chip cookies using the recipe for Toll House cookies on the back of the Nestle Chocolate Chip package. If you have the crave, just pick up a package of the chips at the store!

Cookies are warm out of the oven with a glass of cold milk are best! We tasted other classic cookies: peanut butter and oatmeal raisin. 

November 8: It's election day! Let's talk about customs related to elections in our home countries. And, we will play some parlor games.

Conversation: Wednesdays, 4:30-6:00, room 100

We had many little conversations on Wednesday. Jane brought in an ad for necklaces with Chinese characters and birthstones. We talked about big box stores and how they are unique to the United States. We wondered about the time change (who is looking forward to falling back?).

November 9: Bring your newspapers and your questions about the articles. Make sure you have your crossword puzzles finished!

English Classes: Thursdays, 9:30-12:00, upstairs classrooms

Join us for our classes. If you have missed a few weeks, we have missed you! 

bonfire: it is fun to build a big outdoor fire when it is chilly and share songs and stories

confronted: asked about and caused to account for or explain
deception: misleading, lying
When attention to a list, add a colon (:) and then add bullets (or dots) in front of the list

  • just and right: morally good manner, fair
  • disrespected: insulted

taken lightly: disregard, considered 
pull one over: trick
better think again: reconsider

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