Friday, October 7, 2016

What an exciting week behind us and an even more interesting week ahead of us!

Dear Friends,

This week was so much fun. We had a great time meeting at different locations. This weekend looks like the weather will be beautiful. I noticed the geese were flying south and my mother in Colorado had snow overnight. This is the time of year to see the Sandhill Cranes at Jasper Pulaski Park. As these cranes migrate they stop in Indiana to gather for a big reunion and then they all head south. The best time to see these birds is at dawn and in the evening. The park is only about an hour's drive north. Put it on your fall to do list along with the pumpkin farm, apple picking and haunted houses!

International Church Service: October 8 (the second Saturday of each month) at 6:15 in the Haase Chapel (enter door 6, turn right at the small kitchen, turn left at the next hall)
Join Pastor Borg for a Christian church service for people new to the English language. Everyone is welcome, you do not have to be Christian. There will be time after the service to have questions about vocabulary answered or to discuss concepts and ideas. The nursery is available for small children.

International Bible Study: Tuesdays, 9;30-10:30, room 100
This week we met at my house to and finished chapter 2. The last few verses contain a beautiful description of life in the early church. The new Christians' days were filled with Apostolic teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayers. Although "breaking of bread" is a phrase that can refer to simply eating a meal together, in these verses it seems to refer to the celebration of the Lord's Supper when the believers gathered together to worship and pray. Man of the traditions of the early church have been passed down through the centuries to us. Traditions are important because they bring us comfort and connect us to those who have gone before us. The tradition of welcoming people of all backgrounds to come and be cared for is an important mission of the Christian Church today, too.

October 11: Let's start chapter 3 in Acts
Please notice the time change to 9:30.

International Friends: Tuesdays, 10:30-12:00, room 100
Our field trip this past week was to Stuckey Farm to pick apples. We enjoyed cider slushies. Be careful! You can get a brain freeze. There were plenty of yellow jackets at the farm. They can be a nuisance this time of year. I would tell my children to let the bees smell them, they would figure out they weren't delicious! Just let them check you out and then they will move on. If you swat at them they may get upset and sting. Yellow jackets can sting more than once, so you want to avoid that!

October 11: Let's make apple sauce and potato pancakes.
Join us as we learn to make apple sauce and potato pancakes. This is a very traditional, midwestern German dish.

English Classes: Thursdays, 9:30-12:00, upstairs classroom
What a great time we had on Thursday at Founder's Park. This is a great place to visit and meet other people. You can book many of the park shelters for a fee, but unfortunately, this shelter isn't available for booking. We couldn't have ordered a more perfect day. I am glad that everyone mixed and had conversation with people in their classes and got to know other class members. The food was delicious! It was so good to taste classic dishes. I do have to apologize: I told you we had tea eggs when, in fact, they are "brown eggs." These are made with soy, Chinese five spice and other spices. As far as the tea goes, I used Tazo Passion Tea and mixed it 3:1 with lemonade (lemon juice, sugar and water).

October 12: Planning session
With respect to next week's meeting, we will have regular classes. Meet at the church and go to our regular classroom.

Chinese Brush Painting and More: October 15, 2:30-4:30 in the upstairs classrooms
Join us the third Saturday of each month to try Chinese Brush Painting or to explore your own style of painting. Bring your brushes, paints, papers (or I'll share mine!) Artists and non-artists are welcome!

overnight: when something happens in the night; you might have rain overnight or have an overnight guest
gather for a reunion: when families, classmates, etc. meet socially to eat and share experiences after a time apart.
service: in this case, service means the ceremony of worship (prayers,confession of sins and forgiveness of sins, songs of prayer and praise to God, Bible readings, a message to meditate); Christians go to worship God and God in turn blesses the people with peace and grace.
overnight: something that occurs during the night time
it seems to refer: it appears; in the Bible we can confirm these things by looking at other verses to confirm our ideas when we aren't sure
looks like: appears
locations: places
cider: a juice made from pressed fruit, apple cider is a fabulous fall treat
slushies: frozen juice drink
brain freeze: a headache from drinking icy drinks or eating ice cream
nuisance: pest, a bother, annoying
check you out: look at you
upset: afraid, sad
ramen: Japanese noodle dish
unfortunate: unlucky, regrettable (add -ly to the end of the word when used this way, therefore, unluckily and regrettably-notice that you drop the "e" and add -ly or change the "y" to "i")
mixed: when you mix socially, it means that you have conversation with other people that you may ot know well.
with respect to: this in an introductory phrase that means that the details about the topic follow.
when in fact: when actually
as far as the tea goes: the recipe for the tea is...

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