Friday, November 6, 2015

Hello, Friends.

November is a great month in the United States. The leaves are falling leaving the trees bare. A popular exercise is raking. Some leaf management tips:
  • run over the leaves with your lawn mower: the shredded leaves provide nutrients for your lawn for next year.
  • rake the leaves on your garden to protect plants over the winter, the lower levels will rot and make great mulch (you will have to rake off the top layer in the spring, though)
  • mow your grass really short and keep it short: the leaves will blow into your neighbors' yard and are their problem
We do a lot of tasting at International Friends meetings and classes. Thanksgiving is one of our favorite events because we get to sample so many feasting dishes. This week alone we tried three new dishes in two of our meetings. By popular demand I am adding a new section to our pages for recipes. Be sure to check it out.

In the Nursery: And speaking of eating...Moms, our nursery snack is goldfish crackers. This is the only snack that can or should be served there. Please do not offer your children other snacks while they are in there. This is very important for the safety of all of the children that use this room.

International Bible Study: Tuesdays, 9:00-10:30, room 100
We read two stories where Jesus casts out demons and heals sick people. These are two great stories. Some of us felt uncomfortable when reading these stories because the stories were about demons. Interestingly, the demon called out, "Ha! What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are--the Holy One of God!" (Luke 4:34). Jesus tells the demon to be quiet and to come out of the man. Our class got concerned with the demons; why would Jesus tell them to be quiet? There were many ideas and explanations. The best answer, we decided was that they were stating the obvious.

We got stuck looking in the wrong direction. Our discussions and attention were distracted by the demons and their behavior. Our real focus needs to be on Jesus: He came to save and heal people. He can tell demons to be quiet and leave. This is what He did in these stories. The people of the towns where He was working did not want Him to leave. He did leave. He went to care for the rest of the people and to meet them one by one.

November 10: Let's read Luke 5:1-11: Jesus calls disciples.

International Friends: Tuesdays, 10:30-12:00, room 100
This week Yaying taught us to make pumpkin bread. This is a beautiful addition to your fall dinner table (although you can enjoy them any time of year). We also tasted a Brazilian favorite dish: shrimp in a pumpkin. I have added a new section to our pages for recipes. You can find these recipes there.

November 10: Let's plan for Thanksgiving with our International Friends
Join us as we talk about Thanksgiving in the United States. What is Thanksgiving? What are our traditions? What are your favorite feasts in your home country? If you have been in the States for a while, how do you like to celebrate Thanksgiving?

November 17: Let's feast!
Invite your friends and us starting at 10:30 for our annual Thanksgiving Feast. We will prepare a turkey and stuffing and some other traditional favorites. Bring your favorite feasting dish to share. Email or give me your recipe so I can include it in our annual feasting cookbook by Thursday, November 13.


Conversation: Wednesdays, 4:30-6:00, upstairs classroom
We talked about our vacations. It was fun to hear about everyone's favorite places to vacation. Did you know about a staycation? That is when you don't go anywhere, but live in your house and are a tourist at home! How often do you do that?

November 11: Read Unit 7

English Classes: Thursdays, 9:30-12:00
Classes were so interesting on Thursday. It was nice to visit each class and to see what all of you are doing. I hope you can join us for the feast on Tuesday, November 17.

Thursday, November 12: Butterbraids will be delivered.
Butterbraids will be delivered on Thursday. Please bring cash or a check to pay for them.

leaves: more than one leaf
leaving: not staying
shredded: torn into small pieces
check it out: look at it
stating the obvious: saying what everyone can clearly see
glossed over:

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