Friday, March 6, 2015

Let's Spring Forward!

Hello Friends:

March is a fun month for change. This coming week we will warm up. Do you think we will see signs of spring?

This beautiful full moon is known as the Full Worm Moon for the Algonquin American Indian Tribes (from New England to Lake Superior). According to the Old Farmer's Almanac, the ground begins to soften and earthworms begin to appear. This is also welcoming to robins, who begin to return North. The March full moon is also called the Sap Moon, since the sap in the maple trees begins flowing and they are tapped to make syrup.

March 8 we spring forward. Remember to move your clocks forward when you go to bed on Saturday night. Yes, it will be dark in the morning when we get up for a little while again. But it will stay light longer in the evening!

Sweet dreams!

At International Bible Study we read how people following Jesus began to find it difficult. Some turned away from Him. The original 12 disciples continued to follow. Jesus asks them if they plan to desert. Peter answers, "Lord, to whom shall we we go? You have the words of eternal life."-John 6:68-69. This verse is often used in Christian worship to prepare the congregation to hear the Bible reading that comes from one of the Gospels. In our discussions, we talked about how people view relationships:  when circumstances become difficult, when we are called to trust the other people, or when people have a negative opinion; we can be swayed to leave the relationship. When people don't meet our preconceived expectations (the people wanted Jesus to act like an earthly king), we are disappointed. We also talked about how difficult it is for people to accept Jesus' teaching:  that Jesus comes from God to give eternal life and peace to all people who believe.

We played Parlor Games at International Friends on Tuesday.

We began with a game where players cross arms, right over left, with the players next to them around a table. The players tap in hand order. If  a player taps out of order, he/she pulls his/her hand out of the game. If a player taps twice, then the tapping reverses direction. For example, going clockwise: player 2 begins tapping right hand, player 1 taps left hand player 3 taps right hand, player 2 taps left hand, player 4 taps right hand, player 3 taps left hand, player 5 taps right hand, etc.

We played "Statues Stiff." Players dance to the music, when the music stops, everyone stops dancing.

We played G'day Garry. Players greet each other. All players begin as Garry. If a player makes a mistake, then his/her name becomes Larry, after a second mistake he/she becomes Harry, and a third mistake, he/she becomes Bob. The script:

Player 1 to player 2: G'day Garry.
Player 2 to player 1: G'day Garry.
Player 1 to player 2 referring to player 3: Say g'day to Garry for me.
Player 2 to player 3: G'day Garry...

Finally, we played that all-time Japanese favorite: Fruit Basket. You have one less chair than the number of players. The person who is "it" stands in the center and calls out an attribute (for example, anyone wearing blue jeans). Players wearing jeans jump up and trade seats and so does the person who is "it". The last man standing is "it". If "fruit basket" is called out, then everyone changes chairs.

Wendy caught us up on her vacation to the Dominican Republic at Wednesday's Conversation. We couldn't get the technology to work, so Beverly Hills 90210 will be on hold until next week.

Tuesday, March 10
International Bible Study, 9:00-10:30: Let's read John 1:1-13
International Friends, 10:30-12:00: Let's celebrate St. Patrick's Day.
Join us as we prepare for St. Patrick's Day, American-style. Wear your green and learn to make corned beef and cabbage.

Wednesday, March 11
Conversation, 4:30-6:00: 
We will review 96-98 on pages 51-52 and 268-271 on pages 123-125.

Thursday, March 12
English Classes, 9:30-12:00: We will have classes! The weather will be sunny and warm!

congregation: gathering of people toward a similar purpose
swayed: persuaded, convinced
preconceived: to form an opinion without having complete knowledge or information
clockwise: in the direction of a clock, moving to the left
G'day: good day. Australian pronunciation
caught us up: tell us the news and the stories
on hold: happening later

1 comment:

  1. What a fun way to kick off the St. Patrick's Day celebrating......singing, dancing and eating corned beef and cabbage. And also a lot of fun, friendship and fellowship! I'm glad we learned the recipe for corned beef and cabbage and reuben sandwiches. It was good to learn to make reubens with rye bread and to cut the corned beef against the grain!
