Friday, February 27, 2015

Welcome to March!

Good afternoon, Friends.

We have all been looking forward to the end of winter. Especially after missing so many meetings due to weather and cancellations. It's funny that most of the school delays occurred on Tuesdays and Thursdays...

This Sunday is March 1. There is an old proverb that if March comes in like a lion it will go out like a lamb (and vice versa). Sunday, March 1 has a mixed forecast: It will be 34° and they are predicting snow. Is that fierce weather like a lion or is is mild and fluffy white weather like a lamb?

March 8 we lose and hour of sleep and "spring forward" for daylight saving time.
March 17 is St. Patrick's Day. Everyone is Irish!
March 20 is the first day of spring. Is that six weeks from Groundhog Day?

March Madness: fill you your bracket!
March is also a month famous for wind. Get your kites ready to fly!

In Wednesday, Conversation we went over greetings and conversation starters in our excellent new text Conversational American English. We also watched the opening scenes of the pilot for Beverly Hills 90210 on Hulu. It was fun to see the rad fashion and scary to find out that what was teen-speak has become part of our regular, daily English.

On Thursday at our English Classes we had slim attendance. For those of who missed because of the weather, every class had a delicious treat. Lupita brought kale chips and taught the class about a healthy and balanced lifestyle, Heying brought Chinese New Year cake to sweeten the year of the goat. Samah brought in Jerusalem Palestinian favorites that included cheese filled bread, grape leaves stuffed with rice, chickpeas and spices and flatbread topped with minced lamb with spices. What a delicious day to enjoy English!

I am looking forward to a full and warmer March.

Tuesday, March 3
International Bible Study, 9:00-10:30, room 100: Let's read John 6: 60-70 and 7:1-13
Things are really beginning to get exciting, and sad, for Jesus. People are beginning to desert him.

International Friends, 10:30-12:00, room 100: Let's try for parlor games (again). The weather promises to be terrific, so we should be able to meet.

Wednesday, March 4
Conversation, 4:30-6:00, upstairs classrooms: Let's finish watching the pilot to Beverly Hills 90210. Wendy should be back with stories of her adventures in the Dominican Republic.

occurred: happened. Notice that when you add the -ed to occur you also add another r.
...: when you see three periods at the end of a phrase or sentence (an ellipsis), it means that you can pause and finish the implied thought. When it is in the middle of a sentence, it means that information is left out. The
vice versa: reverse the thought. In this case, if March comes in like a lamb, it will go out like a lion!
fierce:raging, powerful, violent
Hulu: a computer site where you can watch television programs that have already aired on demand (when you wish)
rad: 1980's slang for happenin'
desert: leave someone in a time of need (not to be confused with dessert, a delicious sweet or desert: a place with little rainfall that doesn't support life)

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