Thursday, November 13, 2014

Arctic Blast!

Brrrr! Friends!

Now it feels like winter! We get to have an Arctic Blast. Doesn't that sound like something you could get at Dairy Queen? I'd like an Arctic Blast with the Winter Mix topping, please. And speaking of the weather...The Old Farmer's Almanac is on sale for half price at Lowe's. You can plan your planting and see the weather predictions for all of 2015. This is said to be a very reliable source of information.

When the weather turns cold and it is gray, it is a good time to reflect on all the things we are thankful for because it can remind us of all of the things that make us content. At our Tuesday International Friends meeting we talked about what we are thankful for: we are all thankful for family, friends and the happiness that we have in our lives.

We celebrated Veteran's Day at International Friends. This is a great day in the United States where we honor those men and women that have served to protect our rights and freedoms in our Armed Forces. We were honored to have Cedric Davis (retired Army and husband of Saori), Tom Gambrel (retired Marine), and John Louk (retired Navy) visit us and tell us about their service. We are thankful for the work these men have done for us.

Check the fliers that come in the mail and clip the coupons. Bring them to church to put in the box to help our expat military and their families with their shopping. Our overseas stores honor these coupons even if they have expired. This little act is a great help to families.

We read how the Samaritan woman left her jar at the well and went to tell the people in her town that Jesus knew everything about her in International Bible Study. She asked, "could he be the Savior?" She did believe he was. The people came from the town to meet Jesus and to hear Him. They invite Him to stay, Jesus stays with these enemies for two days (and they were shown hospitality). At the end of the visit, they Samaritans said that they believed that Jesus was the Savior because of the testimony of the woman, but after they met Him, they became witnesses to the fact that Jesus was the Savior. In this story, Jesus also teaches His Disciples that they are reaping the benefits of others' work. Jesus' care for all people paves the way for our peaceful relationships with each other. He shows them that God loves all people and that with and through Him we can have a good relationships.

In Conversation Class on Wednesday we talked of many things: Hair cuts, parties, moving, and Preparation H. We tasted tater tots (really, they are much better when they are hot out of the oven).

Saturday, November 11, 2:30-4:30: Family Fun: Chinese Brush Painting
Tuesday, November 18: International Bible Study, 9:00-10:30: Let's read John 4:43-54: Jesus performs a second miracle.
Tuesday, November 18: International Friends, 10:30-2:00: Let's Feast!
Join us as we learn to prepare some traditional American Thanksgiving dishes and then have a feast. Bring your favorite feasting dish to share.
Wednesday, November 19:  Conversation, 4:30-6:00: On-line tips and conversation: what sites are necessary to know about and what sites are just fun.
Thursday, November 20: English Classes, 9:30-12:00

What a great week we have coming up! I am looking forward to spending it with you.

reliable source of information: when the news comes from a source that can be trusted as being accurate
honor: show our respect
were honored: it was our privilege
content: peacefully happy, satisfied
clip coupons: cut discount coupons out of the paper
expat: a person who works and lives outside the country where they hold citizenship. Are you an expat?
honor: will follow the agreement, when stores "honor" coupons, they allow the purchaser to use the coupon as it was intended in the United States
hospitality: friendly treatment of guests
reaping the benefits: taking advantage of or getting
paves the way: makes circumstances easier for other who follow

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