Monday, October 25, 2021

Halloween is Coming!

Boo, Friends!

Halloween is coming! 

Halloween is a fabulous community party. Rain, wind, snow, pleasant weather...Any of these could be on tap for Sunday.

Trunk or Treat: go to a parking lot to "trick or treat". This is a new tradition and a great way for a community to get together and to have fun: wear costumes, decorate their cars, hand out candy. 

Cornerstone Lutheran Church (our sponsor) has Trunk or Treat events Friday and Saturday at the different locations in Carmel, Fishers and Indianapolis for children through 4th grade. If you live in an apartment and want to host a trunk, you and join in the fun (Trunk or Treat at CLC). If you have children to Trunk or Treat, please join!

Trick or Treat: Sunday is Halloween. 

Kids dress up in beautiful, fun and scary costumes and go door to door. They ring your doorbell or knock on the door and say, "Trick or Treat." Hand each child a piece of candy or drop it in their bag or basket (many kids use pillowcases for this). The kids say, "Thank you."

Turn your porch lights on and decorate if you want to host Trick or Treaters.

Turn your porch lights off if you don't want to host or when you run out of candy (And yes, sometimes we have over 100 kids trick or treat in our neighborhood.)

Kids through high school trick or treat. Older kids come out later. Younger kids make the rounds earlier.

No candy is better than any other...Some kids like chocolate, others like Nerds, others like gum. Just make sure it is wrapped. Check through your kids' candy and throw away unwrapped pieces. If you are concerned you can take your candy to the local fire station or police station and they will look through it for you.

Be safe! If you are driving, watch for children running across the street. It is a very exciting time and people forget to look both ways.

Be safe! Stay together with your friends. Stay with your parents. Stay with your kids.  

Parents: some neighbors have adult treats (Because what dad doesn't need a can of beer when he is taking his children through the neighborhood?). Some neighbors have hot dogs or other treats.

 Enjoy this fun holiday, rain or shine!

 Your community sets official times. Please honor them. Here are the official times in the greater Indianapolis area

Each community hosts different events: parades, picnics, and so much more. Check out other fun events in your city and in the surrounding area: Central Indiana Halloween 2021 Events

American Sign Language: Monday, 5:30-6:30, Zoom

We met and practiced our conversation. We discovered that there are four different uses of the word "use" in English! 

  • use: Don't use your phone while you are driving.
  • used to: We used to go trick or treating two nights when I was young.
  • get used to: In the winter we get used to colder weather, so the 55 degrees feels pretty warm.
  • use up: Did you use up all the eggs?

This great CNN article talks about Hawaiian Sign Language or HSL and the woman that is teaching and keeping this language alive. Be sure to watch the video at the end about the Demigod Maui and the story of the creation of the Hawaiian islands.

October 25: Continue to learn continue conversation.

International Bible Study: Tuesday, 9:30-10:30, Zoom

We wrapped up Galatians. In this final book, Paul tells the Christians of Galatia the true "mark" of is to be kind and loving, not a physical "look".

We talked about sacraments or physical acts that are sacred. Theopia has a nice discussion about how Christians in different denominations view sacraments.

October 26: Join us in person at CLC or on Zoom. We begin the letter to the Ephesians.

International Friends: Tuesday, 10:30AM-12:00 PM, in person and on Zoom

We made pumpkin pie. This was a great recipe! It was simple and you don’t need more than a bowl to mix in a  pie pan to bake it in!*

October 26

Tailgate at Cornerstone Lutheran In Carmel

4850 East Main Street

or join on Zoom


Park in the rear lot…look for the yellow Jeep
Bring a snack to share. 
Bring a beverage for yourself.
Bring your pumpkin to carve (don’t forget a knife and large spoon)

Afternoon Conversation: Wednesday, 4:30-6:00 PM, Zoom

It was nice to meet on Zoom this week. We talked about this exciting time of the year. One holiday rolls into the next:

  • October: Halloween-kids dress up and go door to door and ask for candy 
  • November: Thanksgiving-a harvest feast.
  • December: Christmas-a secular and religious holiday

We talked about how in the United States we have many cultures and customs that meld together. While we all may have different celebrations, our Friends have observed that in the United States we all come together as a community.

October 27: Meet and practice your conversational English. Bring your questions about English or life in the U.S.

*notice this sentence ends with a preposition. Some people say a sentence should never end in a preposition, but the sentence and instructions would be too convoluted in a different order.

English Classes: Thursday, 9:30 AM-12:00 PM, Zoom

We stayed together and shared our D and E sentences as well as practiced saying each of the words. We also talked about those illusive prepositions "in, on, at". 

October 28: Review letters F and G and combine as many of these words as you can in sensible or nonsensical sentences. USE YOUR WORDS!

Kids' Conversation: Friday, 4:30-5:30 PM, Zoom

We all got acquainted with each other. Friends that have not had the chance to meet each other before met. 

We discovered musical talents of two of our friends: Ukulele and cajon. They will play a piece for us next week! We are excited for the concert.

October 29:

  • Bring a short story (about five sentences) about yourself to share (we may not get to them all).
  • Decorate a cookie for Halloween to share.

be on tap: options, possibilities, choice

convoluted: twisted and confusing 

denominations: a group or branch within a religion

honor: follow, pay attention to 

meld: blend, combine

nonsensical: silly, not making sense but funny

piece: a song or piece of music

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