Saturday, May 9, 2020

Blogger made some changes, so I am learning some more new tech!

Hello, Friends.

Our weather gave us some surprises this weekend. While Saturday was sunny it was far from warm! If you put out plants, it may have been a good idea to cover them to protect them from the cold. 

We are all busy learning new technology (like Zooming) and the more we learn, the more we find out we don't know. We made a really quick shift to virtual learning. Thank you for moving with us. What started as an experiment that we were not even sure would be acceptable has turned out to be a real blessing. Thank you for your patience and for continuing to help us to figure out how to have classes and communicate in our current environment. As more and more people turn to the internet, the providers update and upgrade their offerings. Please be patient with me as I negotiate our technical upgrades. Please continue to join us and don't be a stranger

I will be sending out a survey to help to plan next year. Please take time to respond so we can continue to serve you.

Opening up and easing restrictions are two terms you may be hearing. Whether Indiana and other places in the world can continue to open businesses depends on whether people can continue to act responsibly and follow guidelines such as social distancing, washing hands, and cleaning frequently touched surfaces. These guidelines become more important to follow as people begin to move around. Many community leaders are holding town hall type call in meetings. A town hall is an open question and answer with an official. Generally, it one person has a question it is common to many people.

Going to church is one question that emerges with the easing of restrictions. Some churches are opening their doors on a limited basis. Others are taking some time to prepare. Regardless, our Friends are attending at home. Do you have a church home to share? Let me know so I can let our Friends know.
Being able to be tested and accessibility for testing is a concern. Here is the link to Castlight that lets you enter your location and lists all the available sites, contact information, constraints, and more. In Indiana, contact tracing is the next trend in tracking how COVID -19 is being passed. People in high risk groups or people who have had close contact with someone who tests positive are encouraged to be tested.

Vitamin D is an effective preventive measure against viruses and COVID-19 is no different. Psychology Today has a nice summary. How much vitamin D do you need? What are the consequences of taking too much? What is the best way to get your vitamin D?

Introvert or Extrovert: Does social distancing hurt people who are extroverts more than introverts? Psychology Today looked at this question the answer may surprise you. Here is a quick quiz to help you discover which you are.

International Bible Study: Tuesdays, Zooming at 9:30.
Join us as we explore the book of Mark. Email for the Zoom invitation.

We read in Mark 10 that a young man who had it all wanted to know what he had to do to inherit eternal life. Jesus loves him (Mark 10:21). Jesus tells the young man to sell everything and give everything to the poor. The young man is sad because he is rich. Jesus’ disciples also look to Jesus to affirm their sacrifices. Jesus tells them that with God, all things are possible. 

Jesus leads them to celebrate Passover in Jerusalem and teaches them the future, again in Mark 10:32-34. Jesus will:
  • be arrested
  • be tried by laws that were corrupted by jealous leaders
  • condemned and put to death
  • be handed over to the non-Jews to be mocked 
  • be put to death
  • rise from the dead on the third day 
May 12: We will continue reading Mark 10 focusing on verses 35-45 and then 46-52. Come and share your ideas and learn with us.

International Friends: Tuesdays, Zooming at 10:30.
Conversation: Wednesdays, Zooming at 4:30
Where do you like to eat? One important aspect of staying in is eating out! That is what we miss the most (next to seeing each other, but at least we have Zoom!) While restaurants are gradually opening up, there are some favorites we want to continue to support with carry out
Broccoli Bills: north of 146th Street on Gray Road in Carmel/Westfield
The Toros: North of 146th Street on Gray Road in Carmel/Westfield
Adel's: fort he best gyros and baclava made in heaven
Fat Dan's Deli: Chicago style at it's best in Carmel
Ocean World: sushi and Japanese food
Jamaican Reggae Grill: carry out only
Fuji Sushi: carryout is available, 2560 E. 146th Street

English Classes: Thursdays, Zooming at 10:00.
You should have received a Zoom invitation for our "last class" together. Please Zoom over to say aloha (hello and/or good bye in Hawaiian). We will start together and then divide up into "classes".

Please let me know if you like the Easy English News:
Did you read the on-line version? yes/no
Would you like to have access to an on-line version if you move away from Indiana or do not participate in our meetings or classes? yes/no

English for Children
What do you say to your children about our current situation with COVID? The CDC has some good, straightforward guidelines to help.

Two great read aloud books that are fun for the whole family:
Help! I'm a Prisoner in the Library by Eth Clifford, Grades 1-4, 106 pages. Here are some questions to dig deeper.
The Iron Giant by Ted Hughes, Grades K-4, 56 pages. Here is a free pdf of the book to download and read.

far from: not
don't be a stranger: keep in touch
carry out: pick up food and bring it home
act responsibly: behave in a manner that takes care of other people
accessibility: availability
constraints: restrictions or limitations.
contact tracing: following or mapping people who meet each other
had it all: has money, health, good looking, is young
inherit: gain goods, wealth at someone’s death as a “gift”
look to: ask for advice
straightforward: with little words

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