Friday, February 14, 2020

February is the Shortest Month, but let's celebrate!

Hello, Friends.

February is the shortest month of the year, but there are so many reasons to celebrate in America.
  • Black History Month was established in 1976 by President Gerald Ford to recognize and honor the accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history. February was chosen in the U.S. because Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass had birthdays that were recognized during this month (originally Negro History Week established in 1926).
  • Presidents' Day is a federal holiday that is celebrated on the third Monday in February (also known as George Washington's Birthday, which is February 17). The holiday was established in 1880s to honor our first president but became a day to generally recognize presidents. Many official offices are closed this day. Additionally, you can shop some great sales!
  • Lincoln's Birthday: Abraham Lincoln's (February 12) birthday is a observed as a holiday in Kentucky, Connecticut , Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Missouri, California and New York. Now days this date is combined with Washington's birthday or Presidents' Day.
  • Valentine's Day (February 14) is the day to celebrate your sweetie. Go out to dinner, share a special dessert. Gifts of jewelry and flowers are appreciated.
  • Galentine's Day (February 13) was coined in the sitcom Parks and Rec and was picked up as a way to recognize and celebrate the girls in your life that are your besties.
  • Groundhog Day was February 2. If the groundhog sees his shadow look for a longer winter other wise welcome an early spring!

International Bible Study: Tuesdays, 9:30-10:30, room 100.
The Bible story we read this week Mark 6:14-29 has all the drama and the twists and turns of a soap opera! It is the grisly story of the beheading of John the Baptist by the Jewish king Herod Antipas. This Herod was the son of Herod the Great, the king who had consulted with the wise men who followed the star at Jesus’s birth. The elder Herod had tried to trick the wise men into revealing the whereabouts of Baby Jesus. He told them he wanted to find this newborn King of the Jews so that he too could worship him, but he really intended to murder Jesus. Jesus and his family escaped to Egypt, but many toddler and baby boys in Bethlehem were killed because of Herod’s evil plan. “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

Fast forward to the son, Herod Antipas. He had divorced his wife so that he could marry his brother’s wife, Herodius. John the Baptist publicly criticized this relationship as against Jewish law. Herod put John into prison, but he enjoyed listening to the things John had to say. Herodius was not such a big fan. At Herod’s birthday party, Salome (Herodius' daughter) performed a dance for Herod and his dinner guests. Herod was so pleased with the performance that he promised by oath to give his step-daughter anything she wanted, up to half his kingdom. At her mother’s urging, Salome asked for the head of John the Baptist on a platter. The king had a dilemma: Should he go back on his word and tell Salome “No!” or give her what she wanted and kill a prophet of God? The king decided to save face. He ordered the execution of John. You can read another account of this story in Matthew 14:1-12. ~ Jan Heimann

February 18: Join us as we talk about one of the most famous stories: Jesus feeds the 5000 found in Mark 6: 30-44.

International Friends: Tuesdays, 10:30-11:30, room 100.
We learned how quickly make delicious truffles to your taste. There are so many variations to play with including using different types of chocolate, seasoning ingredients and coverings. Our demonstration recipe included dark chocolate, cinnamon, vanilla and red pepper topped with cocoa powder. Keep a truffle filling base in your freezer and make them up as you need them. This filling can be remelted and used to drizzle over cakes and sweets or fruit, stirred into coffee to make a delicious latte, use your imagination.

Instructions: Heat 1/2 cup heavy cream in the microwave 30 seconds. Stir in chocolate chips or chipped chocolate until smooth and melted. Add flavorings to taste. Chill. Scoop a small amount and roll into a ball. Dust the ball with cocoa powder, sprinkles, colored sugar, matcha, ground nuts, you pick!

February 18: Let's play parlor games. When you are shut in due to cold weather, what do you do to socialize and stay amused (rather than binge watch TV)? How about board and other games? Bring your favorite game and let's play a few of them.

Conversation: Wednesdays, 4:30-6:00, room 123.
We had an interesting discussion about Christianity, theories, belief and practice. In the United States there are many churches with different names. Many people came and still come to this country for "freedom of religion" and the right to worship God as they wish. How do you choose a church? We have many options. Generally all Christian denominations follow the Holy Bible (except for the Roman Catholic church that follows the Catholic Bible that includes other books). All Christian denominations believe and baptize (Mark 16:15-17) and that God loves the world so much that He sent His Son, Jesus (John 3:16-17). They may differ on "how" this is practiced within each church (which comes from people and not the Bible).

Scientific theories are statements that are working hypothesis that haven't been proved or disproved (very simply). For example evolution (a new species) (verses mutation, adaptation, creation) and relativity are generally accepted assumptions that help to move science forward, but have not been proven due to lack of our ability to reliable test, observe and/or replicate to prove the idea into a law.

February 19: We will begin meeting in the Bride's Room on the first floor. Join us there for conversation and a place for our little ones to join us and have a nice time, too. It is Kotaro's last meeting with us!

English Classes: Thursdays, 9:30-11:30, upstairs classrooms.
Another day off from formal classes. We hope that you are still practicing your English so when we get together you haven't lost any ground.

February 20: Let's try again! Hopefully we won't have another snow day!

English for Kids: Thursdays, 9:30-11:30, the Bride's Room.
We miss getting together. February is the shortest month of the year, and it keeps getting shorter because of these snow days.

February 20: Just because Valentine's Day has passed, we don't have to skip showing we care for each other. Join us for a party and lessons with a Sweetheart spin. We will celebrate with ice-cream sundaes.

coined: a new word or name
sitcom: situation comedy
besties: best friends; platonic friends
twists and turns: plot changes that make a story interesting
grisly: horrible; gruesome
beheading: death by cutting off the head of a person or animal
whereabouts: location; the place where a person or thing is
fast forward: skipping over time and a story to the future
incestuous: having to do with a sexual relationship between people who are close relatives
save face: avoid humiliation or embarrassment to preserve one’s dignity
denominations: separate, autonomous branches of the Christian church
practice: actual application of a belief
replicate: reproduce exactly

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