Friday, January 31, 2020

Two Holidays on One Day

Hello Friends,

This coming weekend is a big one! Sunday is both Groundhog Day and the Super Bowl. On one hand, we find out if we have an early spring or six more weeks of winter. On the other hand we find out what football team becomes the national champion.

We depend on a hibernating rodent to predict long term weather here in the U.S. Punxsutawney Phil in Gobblers Knob, Pennsylvania is the ultimate source for this prediction. Because of regional weather, local groundhogs are called upon to render their verdict. Flix Brewhouse in Carmel is showing the classic movie Groundhog Day February 1 and 2 at 6:00.

Super Bowl isn't just a game. It is a holiday that marks the end of the football season. Billions of dollars in advertising are spent to capture the attention of viewers. Some people watch just to see the entertaining commercials. Food is a major highlight of the event. Chili, chips, dips, pizza are just a few of the snacks. Here is a link to the 50 best Super Bowl 2020 Foods. Feast. Meet with friends. Watch the halftime show and enjoy the commercials.

International Bible Study: Tuesdays, 9:30-10:30, room 100.
We read a great story in Mark that appears to be two miracle stories. To set the scene:
  1. Jesus is on his way with a lawmaking leader of the church who is asking Jesus to come and heal his dying daughter, he surrounded by a crowd.
  2. A woman touches his clothing and is immediately healed of her female problems, Jesus asks who touched him and then confirms her healing there in public, in front of everyone (and the legal authority).
  3. The entourage moves on and is met by others telling them the daughter has died. Jesus says she is asleep. Jesus and the leader go to the house, he tells the girl to get up and she does.
Jesus tells doesn't just heal the woman: he mends her connection with the community (she couldn't/shouldn't go to temple or appear in public while bleeding) with her very public conversation in front of the proper authorities. Jesus raises the girl from dead and she is immediately able to walk. Jesus reminds the family that she needs to be fed.

February 4: Mark 6:1-6 is our reading. Come and talk about celebrity and appreciation.

International Friends: Tuesdays, 10:30-11:30, room 100.
Thank you to everyone who helped make my dad's birthday a memorable day. Since he has moved here, you have all welcomed him and made his transition to life in Indiana easier and happier. Your care for him and for my family is deeply appreciated. He loves his lap blanket. It warms more than his body, it warms his heart.

February 4: Let's play with plarn. Bring your scissors and a big pile of plastic bags from Walmart or the grocery store and learn to repurpose them into useful, household items.

Conversation: Wednesdays, 4:30-6:00, upstairs classroom.
We watched the TEd Talk about a solution to drug abuse deaths proposed and executed in Canada. We teased out vocabulary and talked about the issue of keeping safe while practicing illegal activities. We talked about the 

February 5: Free flowing conversation. Bring a topic to talk about.

English Classes: Thursdays, 9:30-11:30, upstairs classrooms.
Welcome Beth Ann and Hannah, our new staff. We will enjoy learning from you!

February 6: Join us in learning English. 

English for Children: Thursdays, 9:30-11:30, Bride's Room/Nursery.
We learned about taking care of the people who take care of us. Sometimes even Mom's can get sick. A card or, even better, a hug can help someone feel better.

February 6: We start our new month learning about showing how we care for each other on Valentine's Day. 

on one hand, on the other hand: two options, one thing and another
hibernating: animal that sleeps through cold weather
rodent: animals like rats, rabbits, mice and groundhogs
called upon: asked to answer or do something officially
render their verdict: make an official judgment; juries render the verdict of guilty or not guilty
is showing: is screening, is playing (the movie)

problems: health issues related to menstruation (bleeding)
entourage: attendants, associates, hangers on, groupies
proper authorities: people who are legally able to make a decision and solve a problem
in front of: in the presence of;

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