Sunday, November 3, 2019

Tuesday’s Turkeys

Hi Friends,

Here are some sample pictures of the 🦃 to get your creative juices flowing. This is a "kitchen craft" or a repurpose craft. Look around your house to see what you have on hand before running to the store.

Bring your crafting tools: scissors, glue, pins, toothpicks, paperclips, skewers, magazines, etc. We can pool resources.

I’m bringing two inch styrofoam balls and the felt for everyone. If you want to make your turkey larger or work ahead,

Here is the OG turkey. He is made with yarn, felt, googly eyes, pins, skewers, yarn and cards.

Here is my sample. He is made with magazine paper, twine (head), yarn, coffee beans, toothpicks, pins.

We brainstormed using paper, cup cake papers, coffee filters, plarn, fall leaves

Creative juices flowing: generating ideas
Recycle: dispose of things in a way that they can be broken down and reused (for example, turning newspaper into paper for greeting cards)
Repurpose: use something in another way rather than dispose of it (for example, turning plastic bags into plarn)
Reuse: use something again rather than dispose of it (for example, use a plastic container that held yogurt to hold leftovers)
Have on hand: things already in your home
Pool resources: share
OG: current slang for original, classic, old school
plarn: plastic yarn made from shopping bags

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