Friday, July 26, 2024

Summertime and the living is get out and enjoy life!

Hello, Friends.

July was a busy month in America. We are busy celebrating life. Most families take their vacations during the summer when the kids are home from school. We schedule and program the summer and take advantage of the warm weather.

Kids may be off for the summer, but that does not mean they are not busy with other important events. Younger kids summer sports include to rec and competitive leagues and camps. Vacation Bible School or VBS camps are offered by churches for kids to come and learn Bible stories, songs, do crafts, and have snacks. 

Be sure to visit the various Farmer's Markets...Indiana produce is excellent right now!

Try for Free Concert Tickets.

City Fairs, County Fairs and the State Fair

Fairs and festivals abound during the summer. Be sure not to miss smaller, local city and county fairs. They are wonderful places for delicious food and the chance to see culture and agriculture up close and personal.

Indiana Fairs and Festivals

Indiana State Fair August 2-18

Watch the Olympics live from Paris July 26-August 11!

American Politics and Elections

2024 is an important election year. US Presidents are elected every four years, and these elections tend to loom larger in the news and voting landscape. There are two political parties that get most of the attention and garner the most votes regardless of personal political declaration. 

The news cycle has been really tight in the last weeks. Keep your eyes and ears open. There is so much to pick up.

The two political parties officially announce and present their candidates at their conventions for the elections in November. Issues and positions will be solidified and messaged.

Republican Convention RNC (Republican National Convention) for the GOP (Grand Old Party) July 15-18 in Milwaukee (mil WA key) Wisconsin. It is on right now plenty of live casting with pundit commentary Here's an article on how to watch. 

Democratic National Convention DNC (Democratic National Convention) August 19-22 in Chicago. 

English Fun:

Playing with English is the best to increase your vocabulary and skill. Having fun with  the words and word patterns can help you make and break your American English. 

How to Write a Poem: Easy Tips for Beginners 

Work on your pronunciation and listening: Alliteration vs. Assonance vs. Consonance in Poetry. Fiddling with sounds and working these devices into your poetry can be fun and grow your skills.

Words and Phrases

abound: a lot of something, 

fiddling (with): messing around with or tweeking

keep your eyes and ears open: pay attention, be alert

live casting: media 

messaged: communicated

news cycle: the frequency of gathered and communicated news; this was a 24 hour period (think newspapers), but "breaking news" is immediate

off: not attending something (Kids may be on vacation,)

pick up: learn, acquire

pundit: an expert who freely shares their opinion

rec: recreational, for fun

skinny: scoop

tight: close

working [something] into: incorporating something intentionally

up close and personal: intimately, in great detail

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