Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Happy Mother's Day

Hello, Friends.

Oh no! This did not post on Sunday! I am so sorry!

Happy Mother's Day. This Sunday we celebrate all of our moms. Thank you for all you do for your children and for all of us. We know that being a mom often means reaching out and caring for others who are not in our family with love, food, comfort, and advice. We know that when our physical mom is not close, we can depend on each other to step in and that is the case for so many of us. We also know that our mothers have a special place in our lives because if it weren't for them, we wouldn't be here today.

Wrapping Up the School Year

Wrapping up the year is so hard to do. I hate ending our classes, but a pause helps us to recharge (and gives us time to plan and develop more for you).

Summer does not mean you really get a break. Watch for meet up announcements and check our webpage for meet up events. This year our local Friends want to get out and see all the things we have been missing as well as hang out with our Friends. For our Friends who are not close by, watch for Zoom meet-up announcements. Everyone is welcome to join our meet ups. If you are new to our meetings, come and see. If you are an old Friend, we miss you! Drop in for a visit and say "hi".

American English QuickStart

These pages are designed to help our Friends access American English words, phrases, and concepts to help you live a good life in English. We are collecting areas, concepts, and topics for you to quickly review and learn or brush up your American English. Help us! Add to the comments or email your needs, ideas, tips.

American Sign Language: Monday, 5:30-6:30 PM EDT, Zoom

We continue to build vocabulary. We reviewed our vocab in conversation. We voted to continue meeting at the same time over the summer months. If you wish to continue conversation and basic language building, join our ASL class. Email for the Zoom link if you don't have our links.

May 9: Review animals and Mother's Day.

International Bible Study: Tuesday, 9:30-10:30 AM EDT, Zoom

Timothy gets advice for caring for widows in 1 Timothy: 4. What a beautiful study for Mother's Day week! Paul's advice for the community is that families (children and grandchildren) are responsible for caring for widows. When a widow is over 60 and has no none to care for her, the church should provide support. When a widow is young enough to remarry and have a family, she should be free to do so (because it best for both her and the community).

Paul advises Timothy regarding leaders: their payment, offences (and how to determine if there really is an offence), and recognition and accolades. Paul advises that regardless, sins become evident. Nothing can be hidden.

While there was much that was specific to this situation, we discovered that there was much to inform us in our current society.

May 10: We are wrapping up 1 Timothy. Where we had doubts about respect and direction, we are finding that getting the full story informs us about the culture and the expectations for leaders as well as the community. Stopping short early in this book would have not allowed us to understand the full measure of the problems facing the church and the respect that Paul had for women and the community.

International Friends: Tuesday, 10:30 AM EDT, in person

We continued our in-person meetings with a field trip to the Indianapolis Arts Center. The day was rainy, so we enjoyed the indoor arts exhibits. The weather cleared up, and we walked to Broad Ripple and enjoyed lunch along the canal.

May 10: Our final meeting is at Cake Bake in Broad Ripple meeting at 11:15.

 Afternoon Conversation Has Ended For the Year

English Classes: Thursday, 9:30 AM-12:00 PM EDT, Zoom

English classes discussed and reviewed a letter of application. We applied everything we learned this year to help our Friend tell her story.

May 11: We meet for our last class. Our American Accent Class is closing the year in person. Our other classes are ending the year on Zoom (because not all people are local and Zoom from other time zones and countries. Join us as we end the year.

Kids' Conversation and More: Friday, 5:30-6:00 PM EDT Zoom

We found out that many of our Friends don't have fun! What?!! While the United States are taking a break from school, most of our Friends have school until July. Sunday is Mother's Day and is an important day for all of us. 

May 12: Kids' Conversation is continuing through the summer (or winter if you are south of the equator). If you want to join us, email us. Next week we are sharing one fun thing (be sure to do something fun), Mother's Day, and hearing about birthdays.

accolades: award or special honor 

cleared up: rain, rain, go away!

informs: gives facts 

local: located in a community or area

vocab: vocabulary

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