Friday, September 20, 2024

Welcome Fall: September 22, 2024

Hello, Friends.

Fall is a special time of year in the Midwest. Football is in full swing but that's not all. Back to school means many interesting topics to explore and learn.

Learning, Participating, and Fun

Woods Lectures at Butler University:  Check out this grab bag of science and social science lectures. One might grab your interest.

Glimpses at Cornerstone Lutheran Church in Carmel is hosting the Best Practices in the Heartland Conference. International Friends is participating both at the tabling event as well as an informational session to help other people to learn about our school to help their communities with learning as well as teaching. If you are local, consider coming to learn about American culture and how people in the church serve each other and in the community. October 9-11. The event is free.

Things to do in Indiana offers all the fun and interesting opportunities here in our home state. Get out there and enjoy the fall!

Bump Into

Bring your family and friends for fun and food. Look for familiar friendly faces and say hi.

Oktoberfest at Cornerstone Lutheran Church, September 27, 4-10:00 PM. A family evening of fellowship with friends and neighbors! Entry to the event is free! Buy tickets for food and drinks. A discount is offered on tickets purchased before September 22. 

Carmel International Arts Festival, September 28-29. Check out the website to see the artists and opportunities. This is an excellent event

American Culture

National Constitution Day was September 17. The Constitution is this document is 

Constitution Annotated is a .gov site providing a no nonsense approach to the "supreme law" of the United States. Find the Constitution as well as links to court cases and rulings that inform decisions.

American English and Pronunciation

What is it? BMV. BMW. One is a government entity and the other is a fancy car. Do you misunderstand someone or does someone not get what you are saying? Maybe you are confusing /V/ and /W/. There are many English word pairs that if they are mispronounced with a V for a W or vice versa can be quite odd, frustrating or confusing. Minimal Pair initial /v/ and /w/ gives a lists of words for comparison with audio clips to tune your earn and your tongue. 149: Practicing the /w/ and the /v/  provides listening and the transcript to read along.

Meetings and Class Notes

Register and join us in our classes.

International Bible Study: Monday, 8-9:00 PM Zoom

Genesis 13 and 14 offer stories about Abram and Lot. They separate because their "families" are arguing. We love the idea that Abram and God chat (v. 14) after Lot and his crew take off for what appears to be the better part of the land, God promises that He will bless Abram.

September 23: Read and journal (write your thoughts in notes) for Genesis 15-17 and  Psalm 19. Next week!

American English and Culture, Thursday, 9-11:00 AM, Zoom

We had a new mix of people join us today. Building our relationships in the early weeks of classes is important to becoming confident with talking to others. Practice. Practice. Practice. But having good discussions, conversations and telling and hearing stories are all a part of language learning.

September 26: Bring stories about friends. What is on your social word list?

Words and Phrases

.gov site: any website ending in ".gov" is from the U.S. government.
grab [interest, attention]: gain or get [interest, attention]
grab bag: a mix of things included together
no nonsense: direct
take off: leave

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