Friday, September 13, 2024

Back To School All The Way Around!

Hello, Friends.

Fall is here. The leaves are beginning to change color and pumpkin spiced everything can be found on menus and in fall candles. Carmel apple is another flavor and scent of fall. Indiana weather is shifting: cool, warm, hot. Homecoming celebrations at high schools and colleges mean special football games and formal dances. Find out what we have been doing at International Friends this week.

Yellow Jackets

Fall also means panicking yellow jackets. These wasps hover around trash cans and outdoor dining tables (they are attracted to rotting food, meat, and insects around the trash). They can bite to hang on and sting multiple times (unlike honeybees who disembowel themselves leaving their stingers and venom behind). Yellow jackets live the large paper homes. None but the queen survive the winter. 

Ward them away from your picnic with cucumber slices on an aluminum plate. 

Learn more Yellow Jackets Vs. Honey Bees – Comparison Guide

Clay Middle School Open House

Friends and staff visited Clay Middle School. We have a very list of people interested in joining us to study American English and Culture in person. We are looking at adding a weekday evening meeting or a Saturday morning meeting. We also added two new staff members! We are so happy to welcome everyone International Friends! Watch for more about additional meetings as we finalize plans. Meanwhile, join our Thursday morning Zoom to get started.

Register for our classes and meetings.

Bump Into

Bring your family and friends for fun and food. Look for familiar friendly faces and say hi.

Carmel Porchfest, September 15, 12-6:00 PM

Carmel PorchFest is a free, family-friendly community event where a variety of musical acts perform live on neighborhood porches in the Arts & Design District. Plenty of food and beverage vendors will be available. We host close to 60 bands on approximately 23 porches.

Oktoberfest at Cornerstone Lutheran Church, September 27, 4-10:00 PM

A family evening of fellowship with friends & neighbors! Entry to the event is free! Buy tickets for food and drinks. A discount is offered on tickets purchased before September 22.

American English

As we build our stories, we talk about things that have happened in the past. You may hear someone saying "We would go to the beach in the summer" instead of "We went to the beach in the summer." In this case, the person is talking about something the happened often, not just one time. Here is a video to (by a Canadian) explain more:

Presidential Debate

Many if not all of our Friends watched the presidential debate. We ran out of time to debrief this highly publicized event. One of our Friends found this YouTube to help us grow your political vocabulary.

Meeting and Class Notes

International Bible Study: Monday, 8-9:00 PM, Zoom

It was great to get together for the first time in so long. We picked up where we left off in the spring with Genesis 12. Abram is given a promise and a blessing. Tells Abram to leave his country and go to a land that God  would show him. Abram packed up his family, possessions and the "people they had acquired" and hit the road. Here is a Map of the Journeys of Abram and a summary of the stops along the way 

The conundrum that Abram lied to Pharoah and said his beautiful wife Sarai was his sister with Pharoah then taking her into his house as a wife. Because of this, the Egyptian household is inflicted with disease. Pharoah reprimands Abram for not telling him Sarai was his wife and sends him and all his people and goods on their way. The sin of the lie of Abram caused Pharoah to sin unknowingly with consequences.

Our observations:

  • God is faithful to His promise to Abram to protect and bless him in spite of Abram's shortcomings.
  • No person is perfect, and Abram shows how God loves and cares for us, even when we fail to trust Him.
  • Age does not impart wisdom.
  • We wondered about Abram's fear of the Pharoah.
  • We observed that cultures and human nature remain the same.

Psalm 9 mirrors the story in Genesis 12 in supplication, thanks, and praise.

September 16: Our readings Genesis 13 and 14 and Psalm 19

American English and Culture: Thursday, 9-11:00 AM, Zoom

Hearing about what summer was like for our Friends when they were young was very interesting and heartwarming. It was interesting to hear what people did for fun as well as what summer felt like for them. Whether the memory was impromptu, thought out, or written down and read, each Friend conveyed the sense of joy that only a child can experience. Read people's stories here. Email Carolyn your story to share with our Friends.

Small groups talked about the words and phrases they use with family in their homes. We found there is a mix of English as well as other languages (some families speak more than one language other than English in their homes). 

September 19: Talking about work and careers. This week tell us a story about your career or work life. Collect a list of words and phrases used in your career.

American English For Kids: Friday, 5:30-6:00 PM, Private Zoom Link

We caught up with each other after a long break. Our kids are growing up so fast! This year we are going to work on our storytelling. That is telling the story of our life. This is an important skill when introducing ourselves and our ideas.

September 20: Thinking about the phrase "I am from [details about your past]", be prepared to tell about your family and family experiences. 

Words and Phrases

conundrum: riddle or thorny question
debrief: talk about
hit the road: travel
if not all: probably everyone or everything
send someone on their way: tell someone to leave
supplication: to ask for help from God or a higher power
picked up where we left off: continue
ward them away: repel someone

Friday, September 6, 2024

Welcome. We are so glad to see you!

Hello Friends,

Our meetings and classes are back in session. It was good to see everyone at American English and Culture on Zoom. We began catching up with each other as well as setting our course for the upcoming year. If you have attended in the past, old Zoom links will not work. Register to get the new link.

This year we are concentrating on telling and listening to our stories. Being able to capture and hold attention is an important part of communicating in all languages and cultures. This skill is important for getting work done on your car, talking to your children's teachers, talking to your doctor, interviewing for a job, socializing with friends and family, etc. Preparing and telling our story helps us to narrow our focus from the whole world of a language to the specific words and patterns necessary to ask questions, gain information, and get work done! And...stories are interesting and fun. 

Bump Into Each Other Events

Artomobilia, September 7 in Downtown Carmel: Look for Friends at these fun events
Carmel Porchfest, September 15, Noon-6:00 PM

September Community Outreach Event

International Friends has an informational table at Clay Middle School Tuesday, September 10, 6:00-8:00 PM. Join us as we share more about our program and invite others to join us. Email Carolyn for more information at

American English and Culture: Thursday, 9:00-11:00 AM (UTC-4), Zoom

In our first meeting we got acquainted with each other (a little bit).

September 12: We are beginning to tell our stories and build our American English "toolbox".

Yes, we have homework this year (by popular request). Have fun with it!

Think about your summer as a child. What was it like? What stands out? We will share these in small groups completing the statement "I am from..." or "I come from..." Remember the Maya Angelou statement and our discussion about how we get more out of our communications with others when we use our stories.

Collect and make a list of the words and phrases you use regularly around your home (in all languages).

Think about the contexts you need to learn to talk in English. Adults are efficient learners, and our brains are great at deciding what is most important to remember. Practical connections narrow our focus to make us efficient and makes learning interesting.

American English Conversation for Kids: Friday, 4:30-5:00 PM (UTC-4), Zoom

Welcome back on September 13! Register to get the new Zoom link.

Extra Credit
Watch the Presidential Debate, 9:00 PM ET on Tuesday, September 10. 

We recommend these stations because they broadcast without commercials and rarely interrupt with spin. The back and forth between the candidates about critical American issues are great for informing American culture hot topics.

Resource Notes

Maya Angelou's Powerful Communication Secret: This article by John Millen 

Words and Phrases

spin: give (a news story or other information) a particular interpretation or slant