Hello, Friends.
This is the last weekend before Halloween. Have you decorated? Do you plan to decorate? Many people have had a lot of time on their hands and have gone all out to decorate this year! We have a family in our neighborhood who have changed the activities of their skeleton display. So far the skeletons have had yoga class and gotten engaged. This week they were on fall break! The City of Carmel will have Trick-or-Treating from 5:00-8:00. Check here for Central Indiana Trick or Treat Times. The Current in Carmel posted the following:
- Trick-or-treaters and chaperoning adults are encouraged to wear a face mask when physical distancing can’t be maintained and when approaching a door.
- Homeowners are asked to turn on a porch light if they are comfortable handing out treats and to wear a face mask when answering the door. Those who do not wish to participate should keep their porch light off and refrain from answering the door.
- All treats should be pre-packaged. It is not advised to distribute homemade treats this year.
- View Centers for Disease Control Halloween guidance.
The Carmel Police Department issued additional safety tips:
- Adults should always accompany their children and carry a flashlight at night, staying within their own neighborhood and known homes
- Watch for traffic before crossing any street
- Avoid costumes that are long, which could cause tripping, or costumes that have hard plastic or wood props that could be a hazard
- Inspect candy before allowing children to have it and dispose of unwrapped candy
Want Quick References to International Friends Resources?
Reference websites are under each of Our Meetings and Classes for quick reference. Check it out and see what is there!
Talking about Fun and Field Trips
- Boo at the Zoo at the Columbian Park Zoo, 1915 Scott Street, Lafayette, IN. Tickets cost $5.00.
- Natural Valley Ranch in Brownsburg has horseback riding! What a fun way to enjoy the fall foliage.
- Hogan Farms in Brownsburg has a corn maze and pumpkin patch. Check the webpages for pricing.
- Beasley's Orchards has fall festival activities.
- How old are you?
- Are you married?
- What does your spouse do for a living?
- Do you have children? Do you plan to have more children? Who will help you with childcare or other family commitments?
We enjoyed talking about pumpkins this week, looking out our windows to see what colors the leaves are on our trees. We read Biscuit Vists the Pumpkin Patch. We learned the classic poem about Five Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Gate. This fun song can be sung with hand motions. We made a suncatcher using contact paper. Contact paper is great for so many quick crafts. Create reusable coloring pages and activity placemats.
October 27: Get ready for Halloween! Join us as we get ready for Halloween!
American Sign Language: Monday, 5:30-6:30
We expanded our vocabulary to include question words and names of family members. We talked about time and how to ask questions and how indicate the past. We reviewed colors, letters and numbers. We signed vote and learned some of the presidents' nicknames. As we reflect on language learning, having the opportunity to "act" a word helps us to cement it in our minds.
Signing Savvy is a great reference for finding words.
October 27: We will add feeling words to our vocabulary. Join us! It's fun.
International Bible Study: Tuesday, 9:30-10:30
We had a very moving discussion surrounding the Christmas story. We tend to reserve this story for December, but the Christmas story is relevant year round. We talked about how we love decorating, preparing and traditions that surround Christmas. When Jesus came, the shepherds as well as Simeon and Anna (people who worked in the temple) recognized him. God put the welfare of His Son, Jesus in the hands of Mary and Joseph. This vulnerable baby depended on the love, help and care of His human parents. This is moving and humbling.
In A Charlie Brown Christmas the TV movie from 1965. The cartoon tells how Charlie Brown and his friends are preparing for Christmas with a pageant. Linus tells the story from Luke beginning at 20:22 in the story.
October 28: We will talk about Jesus being presented at the temple in Luke 2: 22-40
International Friends: Tuesday, 10:30-12:00
We enjoyed another great cook along. This time we made a spectacular pepper sauce for pasta. This sauce rivals other sauces and is simple with fresh ingredients (and bacon which makes everything better).
October 28: Get your pumpkin to carve into a Jack O Lantern. You will need a serrated knife, a spoon to scoop and a baking sheet to toast your seeds. Newspaper, a bowl and gloves help with collecting the mess. Bleach based cleaner will help your pumpkin survive to the weekend.
Here is a link to some templates from Reader's Digest.
English Classes: Thursdays, 9:30-12:00
There are some perks to Zooming. When you study and learn in your home environment, you tend to relate what you learned to your daily activities. Relating your lessons to your daily life and practicing what you learn helps cement what you know. We have opportunities many times during the week to practice. Don't be shy!
Afternoon Conversation: Wednesday, 4:30-6:00
End of the Week Conversation: Friday, 10:30-12:00
How many hairstyles have you had over the years? When you look at old photos of yourself, do you cringe over a bad perm, a crooked cut, or a “Brazilian blowout”? How have you managed your (thin, thick, fine, curly, wavy, “frizzy”, healthy, damaged) hair during COVID—with a “DIY” cut or a secret trip to the salon? Hairstyles reflect our personality and shape our identity. Just as unique are our stories of dating, romance, marriage, mothers-in-law, and extended family.
gone all out: pulled out the stops, put in a lot of effort, extravagant
check it out: look at
quick reference: short guide to information; easy access
patch: garden area for specific plants: strawberry patch, pumpkin patch, tomato patch
foliage: leaves and plants
reusable: something that is able to be used more than once.

tend: are apt, usually
templates: patterns
moving: emotional
pageant: a historical story or play
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