Best wishes to everyone for a happy and healthy 2025.
Are you making resolutions?
Are you enjoying memes of resolutions?
Here’s my favorite from Reader’s Digest
Best wishes to everyone for a happy and healthy 2025.
Are you making resolutions?
Are you enjoying memes of resolutions?
Here’s my favorite from Reader’s Digest
Peace and joy on this special day when Heaven and Earth rejoice and celebrate the birthday of Jesus.
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Happy Holidays, Friends!
What a beautiful day here in Indiana to end our classes for the year. Enjoy your holiday break and see you beginning the week of January 6th.
Safe travels if you are going places. Driving? Flying? What is your favorite mode of transportation? Regardless of your plans, be safe and celebrate the joy and peace and fellowship of the holiday season. Make new traditions. Make memories. Come back in January refreshed and ready.
And good news. December 21 is the darkest day of the year. It is the shortest amount of daylight and the longest amount of darkness. Beginning Saturday daylight time increases in the Northern hemisphere. Read more about the Winter Solstice in the Greenville News.
Indy's Child: a great resource for things to do with Children in Indiana
Indy Fuel Hockey: a fun outing for family and friends.
Hamilton County Holiday Pass: Collect memories. This is free and fun.
States, counties, townships, cities, towns. These all name the kinds of governmental divisions we have in Indiana. Many states have the same type of divisions, although townships are not common to all parts of the country. In Louisiana, there are parishes.
We had a wonderful listen followed by discussions that sent us to the Bible to read the individual verses that Handel chose to highlight. Renewal Journal is a resource for reading the text along with clickable YouTubes of Messiah performances.
Our reflections on the readings:
January 6: Let's return to Genesis 27 and pick up the story. You may want to go back a bit as a refresher.
January 9: Start the new year talking about resolutions and turning over a new leaf. In January we turn the page and start our new chapter: Let's tell our public story.
January 16: A retrospective. What did you begin in the past and where are you now.
January 23: Write and speak your resume.
January 30: Refining your story.
We had a great night of conversation and picky observation. Tiny adjustments in adding tiny words (to, from, the, a, etc.), pronunciation of similar sounding words (say, said, says, save), and not pronouncing particular letters or pronouncing them in unexpected ways (d, t) makes a big difference to other people's ears and understanding. You don't always have to change your accent and you may not change your pronunciation but knowing how you sound to common American English listeners (both native and immigrants) helps you to be understood and calms frustrations on both sides of the conversation.
January 9: Come to class. We will talk about what we did over break and work on our individual listening and speaking skills perhaps the wonderful technology that is available to us.
Our "I'm from...." poems are so interesting to listen to. Make sure you send me your copy.
We tried playing Monopoly. This first attempt had us winging! It worked out ok with as screen and an in person board.
January 10, 2025: Let's talk about your break and try to play Monopoly again. This time we will assign roles and responsibilities. Brush up on the rules.
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Happy Holidays, Friends! This first "half" of our school year is drawing to a close. This year we are concentrating on telling our stories. Personal stories drive our vocabulary. As you celebrate the holidays with your family and friends, think about how you can add these memories and experiences to your story. Safe travels! Send pictures!
We are looking forward to the shortest day of the year (the Winter Solstice) in the Northern Hemisphere on December 21. Read more in the Farmer's Almanac.
Christmas is a special time in the United States. While this holiday has roots in Christianity, there are many traditions revolve around coming home, family, and friends. Seasonal songs are an important part of the traditions and every artist and songwriter has a song about Christmas in their band's repertoire. Holiday shows cram all the favorites in an hour or so. These favorites are only played between Thanksgiving and Christmas day. Sing along with these favorites and brush up on pronunciation and enunciation.
Our names are very personal. As we introduced ourselves to new friends this Thursday, we talked about our names and the difficulties people have saying them across the board. This is because they are unfamiliar in sound, style and in form both linguistically and culturally. Our names often have easy and common sounds to our language (otherwise how could our parents call us or call us out) but these sounds and combinations can be uniquely combined, formed, and voiced. This is a great way to start to understand and learn the differences between a home language and a new language. On the other hand, you may not hear or be able to easily pronounce a friend's name (or your children's friend's names).
December 4: Celebrate the coming Messiah! We are listening to Handel's Messiah and reading along as our study.
We enjoyed each other's "I'm from..." poems. This is a great exercise in practicing how to "talk around" something because sometimes there just is not one word for something and a description is necessary. Some people simply look up and around and fill in the blanks with the first thing that comes to mind. Others are more thoughtful. In some scenarios, people are just given a list of prompts (without the connecting words and phrases). Then, after they plug in the words they get a surprise!
December 19: We meet on Zoom for our last meeting of the year. Will we sing? Will we dance? We will do a Mad Lib and craft holiday greetings.
Here's the list:
The weather outside was frightful, but the meeting was so delightful! Let It Snow! We had a small and mighty group show up to practice our American English. When a small group meets together, we tend to get into some deep discussions in the realm of politics. This week talked about immigration status (and did some work on grammar; particularly in the context of prepositions in this topic). We are experts about the immigration process in the United States (since we live the life) and as experts
December 19: Maybe we will work on singing and song writing. Maybe we will do our poetry. We will do the Christmas Mad Libs.
We talked about museums and memories. We worked on and read our "I'm from..." poems. Poetry is a good way to build vocabulary and to understand how to use words to explain what we mean when we do not have a particular or specific word or phrase to explain what we want to say.
December 20: Let's end the year by finishing reading our "I'm from..." poems and playing Monopoly.
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Happy Holidays, Friends!
The weeks are flying by. If you live in Indiana, you would have experienced blistering cold weather followed by a beautiful weekend of 50 degree weather. This weather is supposed to hold into Wednesday and then the temperatures will drop back down into the 20s. Why do we talk so much about the weather? Because it is never boring!
Our schedule is changing as people weigh in on their commitments and commitment.
The third week in December: Join us for our last meeting of the year: Zoom meetings will Zoom. In person will meet in person. Is business as usual? Let's see....
No classes or meetings December 21, 2024 through January 3, 2025 [to January 6, 2025]
Christmas a Christian religious holiday. Churches offer various services. Feel free to join and enjoy the services and events at churches. You are welcome!
Understanding pronunciation stress patterns can make you better understood. Here are some common patterns:
We met and listened to the first three pieces in the Messiah. Some of us had enjoyed this music for decades, while it was new to others. The complication of the words tangled in the music is both mysterious and enlightening. Luke 3:1-14
December 9: Celebrate the coming Messiah! We are listening to Handel's Messiah. This week continues in the prophecies in the Old Testament
We spent most of our time catching up from Thanksgiving and talking about cultural niceties in the United States.
December 12: Send your "I am from..." poem template (filled out). Email it to us. Do not feel tied to the prompts if they don't fit your story. If you aren't finished, expect to work on this in class!
Great work and discussion was had with the "I am from..." poems. You can find them published on our handouts page as well as the whiteboard work.
December 4: Visit and share your "I am from..." poem with others during our meeting time. We will also sing Christmas songs (in English). We will look at how music helps us tune and refine our English skills.
December 6: Let's talk about snow and winter and memories. What are your winter memories? Are your memories about weather, family, school?
tied to: restricted to a set Click here to go to our website.
Hello, Friends
You never know what is going to happen. Even the best laid plans can become derailed. Some people see this as drama. Others see it as opportunity. What about you?
Halloween is in two weeks. Get out and see the decorations. October 31 American English and Culture
Language is more than speaking words. Body language is 60-65% of communication. This is why ordering over the phone, into a speaker, etc. can be confusing for both parties. Additionally, people can "feel" words or a conversation as a part if understanding.
And speaking of language, American culture personal space was a topic of discussion. Americans tend to like about an arm's length between themselves when talking. Depending on your culture, you might want to talk closer. Someone that is invading an American's personal space may be seen as pushy or as being aggressive.
Hamilton County Fun
International Friends Meeting Notes
November 11: Psalm 36 and Genesis 25-27.
October 24: Bring word pages and "where are you from
October 24: Bring your word pictures. Examples are on our Handouts page.
We had a new friend join us. It is fun to get to know someone new. Just because we are kids doesn't mean that we don't have a history or
December 13: Fill in the "I am from..." Have your mom (or dad or other family member) do it too.
December 20: We all love Monopoly! Get your board out and let's play together!
business as usual: nothing new or different happens
commitment: dedication to something
commitments: responsibilities to others
fill in/fill out: complete answers
into: expressing movement or direction until something or someone is surrounded (only partway)
hold: remain the same
let's see/wait and see: something will happen, but we don't know what
through [a date] or to [a date]: including this date; to this date means things start back up on the named date (to January 6, in this case)
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Happy Holidays, Friends!
December in Indiana is cold and warm and cold and snowing and sunny. Midwest weather is like that! December in the United States is super festive. Be sure to celebrate the season.
Christmas is not just for Christians (even though that is the origin). In the United States we celebrate Christmas as a secular holiday.
December 19: American English and Accent Meeting Christmas Parties!
No classes or meetings December 21, 2024 through January 3, 2025.
Being thankful is something we talk and do in November but practicing gratitude is good for you and people around you. Daily gratitude as a health-positive attitude from News at IU, Feb 18, 2020 offers insight. Gratitude involves two important components: intrapersonal (feeling grateful and having grateful thoughts) and interpersonal (expressing gratitude to others).
Here are some tips for cultivating gratitude:
Singing erases mispronunciations and accent causing people to have the general American accent (perfect broadcaster English or the Midwestern English or sound like me (Carolyn!)). How does this happen? Melody, beat, and rhythm of as song can cancel out and inform how words are pronounced. Singing words become the natural and the easiest pronunciations. This neutral is the core of the "American" accent. So, when you sing, your English is simple, easy, and effortless.
We think that when you sing, you are focusing on the sound rather than the words. Because of this and the social aspect of matching what you hear with the sound you make.
December 4: Celebrate the coming Messiah! We are listening to Handel's Messiah and reading along as our study.
December 4: Bring your "I am from..." poem template (filled out). Email it to us. Do not feel tied to the prompts if they don't fit your story.
December 4: Bring your "I am from..." poem template (filled out). Email it to us. Do not feel tied to the prompts if they don't fit you.
December 6: Let's talk about snow and winter and memories. What are your winter memories? Are your memories about weather, family, school?